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PSP Firmware 3.01 Released!
Corrects a 'bug' in the latest major 3.00 PSP firmware release. Some minor bugfixes in the new PS3 to PSP connectivity features, or a quick security patch to prevent homebrew exploitation? Could homebrew on 3.00 be closer than we think
New PSP firmware unlocks PS3 & PSOne link
For PS3 owners, the firmware will allow those of you with the 60 GB machine to stream videos, photos, and music directly to your PSP
PSP Firmware 2.82 out! UPDATE
Here's what's new in the latest homebrew-less PSP firmware:. Ability to play Flash content in the Internet Browser (Connection to Download Link: [PSP Firmware 2.82 AU/NZ PSP 1002] Download Link: [PSP Firmware 2.82 EU PSP 1004]
Second PSP firmware update arrives just 24 hours after 3.0
Looks like someone wasn't paying attention over at Sony when they issued the PSP firmware update that took it to version 3.0 in all its PS3 goodness yesterday
Sony releases security patch, calls it PSP firmware 2.82
security modPSP firmware 2.82 is now available via Network Update reports PSP Fanboy. New features, you ask? There aren't any; just a security patch. Read: there's no good reason to download, yet. So what firmware level are you sittin'
What I think PSP firmware update version 3.10 should be.
Well I wasn't sure if I should put this in the PSP firmware thread. But it's not a reply, it's a thread. Putting it there probably wouldn't be off topic. But I don't have time to read all 1497 posts. Now on to firmware version 3.10.
PSP firmware updated twice - Homebrew threat blamed
Sony released version 3.01 for the PSP firmware within a couple of hours of the release of version 3.0. Apparently, the reason for the second update was that version 3.0 allowed homebrew software (and, presumably the piracy problems
Sony PSP Firmware 1.00 - 2.81 Guide
Firmware 1.00Released: December 12th, 2004Video: MP4Audio: MP3Photo: JPEGRSS Audio: NoRSS Video: NoWeb Browser: Unofficially. Wipeout Pure HackHomebrew: NoDowngrader: N/ANew Features: N/A
A law on PSP firmware updates and homebrews?
With this, hey u claimed that Sony has the responsibility to downgrade the minor's PSP firmware to its original conditions. In his words, hey u said, "Well, it seems I may be on to something. I was thinking, that since a minor may not
PSP Firmware 3.0 User's Guide Online
At work and itching to see what kind of interfacing the PSP can do with the PS3?. Check out this video. What? Your work blocks YouTube? Then take a look at Sony's online manual for version 3.0 of the PSP firmware.

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