PS2 Emulator, PCSX2 0.9.2 beta, makes HUGE improvement in frame rates!
With MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) / DC (Dual Core) features gaining improved stability, the game [FFX] can be played at 'enjoyable' speeds, ranging from a base speed of 29 FPS in the most intense areas, right up to the peak speeds of over
Applications - PCSX2 0.9.0 PS2 emulator with BIOS and screenshots
Category: Applications Subcategory: Windows Quality: No quality info Language: English Uploaded by: joeldsouza Size: 15.54 MB
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i got my ps2 emulator all set up and working fine then when i go to play a game it gets as far as bring me to the options menu with the options browser and system configuration. what do i need to do to get past this menu to play my
Daedalus Shifty Beta 1 release
ok, first off, I am sorry to all of you who had your hopes up for a full-speed emulator. I have obtained and played Daedalus Shifty, and while games played on it are faster than the latest release of any Daedalus, it is still not full
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know-how > software > internet & networking. question: hi there can anyoone tell me a place to download play station 2 emulators for playing games such as god of war on pc? thanx. user: ranjithgopinathan points assigned: 50
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hi. i downloaded the pcsx (a playstation 2 emulator) and i got all the bios i needed to play the english, american and european games on this emulator. my birthday (i'm getting the real ps2 on the 28th but i can't wait to play).
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does anyone know where to get a quality psx or ps2 emulator and where to download roms for it. my friend said its hard to find both the emulator and working roms for that console in specific, but ive goten them working for n64 and other
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forum: console gaming posted by: elvenangelwings11 post time: october 6th, 2006 at 2:03pm
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Emulators - NG Emulation source for Xbox, GBA, Nintendo 64, PSP
As promised, the PCSX2 team has released a new version of their PS2 emulator. Unlike the previous versions, this version is faster and more compatible.
PCSX2 PS2 Emulator 0.8.1 - MegaGames emulators
PCSX2 PS2 Emulator 0.8.1 emulators - Megagames Emulators.
MAXCONSOLE - Playstation 2 - PCSX2 v0.9 - Working PS2 Emulator for PC
Yes folks PCSX2 0.9 is here, by no means gracefully, but it is here! You can now enjoy PCSX2 0.9 a faster and more compatible PS2 emulator, it's been a year
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New Version of this great PS2 emulator, brought to you by the same team of the great PSX This is a new PS2 emulator, has been Released June 28/2003!
of course there is a ps2 a xbox and a gc emulator but it doesnt mean any of them who in the blue hell would want a ps2 emulator?!! the ps2 is the fuckin