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Hamming it up in Parma
Parma, capital of, duh, Parma ham, of parmesan cheese, of theater and opera. Winenot so much; it's the simple, slightly fizzy red called Lambrusco, but,
parma is for eaters
Parma is an easy hour and ten minutes away from Milan. Parma is also a very familiar name. If you've heard of Parmesan cheese or Parma ham There's a river, appropriately named the Parma River, running through the western side of
Parma Palate - Innards R' Us
Img_0353Yesterday was my first glimpse at Parma by day, Soldier_near_train_stationQuite a few of my classmates and I were in Parma to pick up our temporary residence permits, a necessary cog in the machine of Italian bureaucracy.
Parma Lilac for Just Plain Elegance
parma lilac I'ma great fan of simple elegance. This company - Parma Lilac do some beautiful felt and linen pieces. Parma Lilac have a shop near the Portobello Road in London and they also sell clothes, so on my next visit to London
Grella sent off as Parma lose
Aussie midfielder Vince Grella was sent off just before halftime in his return match as his Italian team Parma lost 2-0 to Catania
Sul Lago d'Orta again :-
Sorry If I have been quite absent from the Dp during these last weeks, but I have have been quite busy and back to my lands in Piemonte :-) Orta is really fascinating in autumn time, the colors of the tree are stunning and what to say
siena rally from two down versus parma
siena rallied from two goals down saturday to hold visiting parma 2-2 in italy's serie a and stretch its unbeaten run to eight games
i will present @ italian oracle user group in parma
at the annual meeting of the italian oracle user group in parma. i will use two asm diskgroups, and migrate a database from file system into the asm flash recovery area, which i have incrementally updated. looking foreward to parma
it's a sad day in parma
my boyhood home of parma, oh is known for quite a few things: muscle cars, bowling alleys, white socks with dress clothes and black socks for mowing the lawn (you laugh but have you ever see grass stains on dark socks?
Parma, Parma Hts., Seven Hills: The Cities That Read!
//Parma, Parma Heights and Seven Hills, Ohio:  The Cities That Read!!! On Friday, November 17th from 1:15 to 1:30 pm join the cities of Parma, Parma Heights and Seven Hills along with the Parma Area Chamber and other businesses to

Camera di Commercio di Parma
La Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura offre una guida a ser ed attività, recapiti, notiziario.
ersetolo Fondazione Magnani Rocca (da eventi.parma) Turismo.Parma il sito ufficiale del turismo della Provincia di Parma
il portale di informazione e ser della provincia di parma 29 novembre Il convegno di presentazione del progetto “Maison Parma” in Burundi.
Homepage Turismo di Parma
Il sito dell'Ufficio Turistico del Comune di Parma è stato rinnovato. http://www.turismo.comune.parma.it I link ai singoli contenuti dovranno essere
Inparma.it, il portale di Parma. Tutta la città in un c
Inparma.it è il portale della città di Parma. Utile guida sia per i turisti che per gli abitanti della nostra provincia: dalle informazioni turistiche su
Parma Wikipedia
Parma è tra le Città decorate al Valor Militare per la Guerra di Sui colli del parmense si produce anche la "Malvasia dei Colli di Parma" (DOC) un vino
Venerdì 1 dicembre 2006 in concerto al Circolo Arci 43100live di Parma L’arte contemporanea alla conquista di Ferrara, Parma e Forlì.
Parma calcio: notizie, risultati e foto
Parma calcio: notizie, foto, risultati, calendario, formazione e statistiche.
Dipartimento di Fisica Universita' degli studi di Parma
Parco Area delle Scienze n.7A 43100 Parma Info: segreteria@fis.unipr.it Sforza, 30 novembre 2006 ore 17.30, Sala delle feste Banca Monte Parma
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