New Metal Slug trailer makes next week's Metal choice difficult
The Metal Slug Anthology is finally coming out next week on the PS2, Wii and PSP. Of course, there's really only one platform you'll want this on: the PSP. Handheld 2D carnage to go sounds like a blast, and this new trailer proves it.
PSP Site being worked on
Some weirdness for an hour, dont panic :P
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance Hands-on
Heres an excerpt Any videogame born of the Star Wars license should rock. Taking the caliber of the source material, it seems like a logical thing to assume. But as most astute gamers will attest, that's simply not the case.
Daedalus Shifty Beta 1 release
ok, first off, I am sorry to all of you who had your hopes up for a full-speed emulator. I have obtained and played Daedalus Shifty, and while games played on it are faster than the latest release of any Daedalus, it is still not full
NJ yesterday released the sources to his CPS1, CPS2 and NeoGeo MVS Emulators and thanks to EvilDooinz we have compiled binarys of all 3 emulators, heres whats new via elations lation:. 1.21 Reverted the masking process in Street
BasiliskII on PSP
Forum: PSP Homebrew Discussion Posted By: loligator Post Time: 12-01-2006 at 03:20 AM
PSP: PSB Portable Sensor Bar for Wii
Darkwolf released today an app that can make the PSP a sensor bar for the simply load psb from xmb, plce your psp on top of, or under your TV and point; the ir port located at the top of your psp facing your holding your wiimote.
For formats MP4 PSP, MP4 PSP 2.8 - 2.1. For MP4 iPOD - 1.3. For MP4 iPOD 640 и PMP AVC - 3.0. This must more enhance quality of PMP and MP4 for PC. Fixed Autocrop for D2V files import. Maximum bitrate foe MPEG2 now 9800.
Two Analogue Sticks for PSP - awesome modification!
Take a look at this peeps Joe Stranger has made a awesome two analogue stick modification for the PSP. It does actually work but reaching the right trigger becomes a bit of a problem. Credit also goes to cybertrot from acidmods.
PSP dominates on list of games for parents to avoid
Here are the games to avoid, with PSP titles bolded: Gangs of London * This list tells me one thing: the PSP really is for the mature crowd. Four of those titles are either exclusive, or enhanced on the PSP, making this system
PSP [Archivio] - GamesRadar Forum
GamesRadar Forum > Videogiochi > Di che Sony sei? > PSP (a me sembra vero)psp jap 1.50 a 175€ compralo subito! What's Gamesharing? Alcune domande.
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Nextgame.it Forum: PSP bufala o gioiellino tecnologico??
|ho 2 XBOX 360,GC,PS2,XBOX,DS,PSP,N64,MD e DC My Collection - I'm Waiting:Nintendo Wii e GTA:VCS ho 105 voti nel forum (al prossimo agg.
Nextgame.it Forum: PSP schemo&fastidio
se è all'interno, occhio ad aprire la psp perchè se la sviti un po asimmetricamente cmq attento perche e moltoooooooo delicato lo schermo della psp
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PI Forum: PSP, l'homebrew ha il suo DRM
Nel panorama dei software amatoriali per PSP se n'è aggiunto uno che può essere responsabilità sui testi contenuti nei forum (Opinioni e Commenti),
PSP Tribe - Sony makes PSP pocket we make it yours! - PSP news
Ultime Discussioni sul Forum. psp camera,ufficiale Psp Tribe ed i membri del suo staff non incoraggiano alla pirateria.
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