Maria Alvarez on why, of all the seductive heroines in opera, Carmen breathes the most fire Guardian Unlimited
Of all opera's heroines, Carmen breathes the most fire.
S.F. Opera's 'Carmen' missing heat, danger Inside Bay Area
IF THERE'S a surefire hit in the opera world, it's "Carmen." Bizet's masterpiece remains one of the most-produced works in the repertoire, for good reason: it's exciting, it's passionate and it contains one great tune after another.
POP MUSIC, ETC. San Jose Mercury News
Major Bay Area concerts Nov. 30 Ozomatli. 8 p.m. The Fillmore, 1805 Geary Blvd., San Francisco. (408) 998-8497,
GEORGIA ROWE: CLASSICAL NOTES: Martinez luring opera fans Contra Costa Times
IN THE FOUR YEARS since Maria Billingsley founded the Martinez Opera company, the group has made dozens of public appearances. But she says people are still surprised to learn there's opera in Martinez.
Local cultural events Tucson Citizen
OLD SOUL SISTERS CD RELEASE CONCERT, PARTY: This Tucson-based, all-female group performs American spirituals as well as songs from Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. This event celebrates the release of the group's first self-titled recording. CDs are hot off the press and will be available for $10 each. The evening kicks off with a live concert by the 10 women featuring songs from the
Canadian Opera Company Posts Surplus for Fourth Year in a Row Playbill Arts
The Canadian Opera Company has posted a C$20,000 surplus for the 2005-06 season, the fourth consecutive year the organization has finished in the black.
REVIEW / Mezzo Halévy gives Opera's familiar 'Carmen' some oomph San Francisco Chronicle
It's been a pretty uneventful fall at the San Francisco Opera, as former General Director Pamela Rosenberg passes -- or rather tosses -- the baton to her successor, David Gockley. And nothing says "uneventful" like the umpteenth revival of Bizet's "Carmen,"
GEORGIA ROWE: CLASSICAL NOTES: 'Carmen' could use more sizzle Contra Costa Times
If there's a sure-fire hit in the opera world, it's "Carmen." Bizet's masterpiece remains one of the most often-produced works in the repertoire, for good reason; it's exciting, it's passionate, and it contains one great tune after another.
Sweet strains of brass band The Star Online
IT was an enchanting night at Dewan Budaya in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, when the Waseda Brass Band filled the concert hall with famous classical music.
Dec. 16, The Alys Stephens Center Presents Denyce Graves & Orchestra In “A Holiday Celebration" UAB Headline News
Posted on November 29, 2006 at 2:40 p.m.
Suoneria carmen Bizet (Suoneria polifonica carmen) (suoneria
Suoneria monofonica Suoneria polifonica Download Carmen Carmen Prelude1 Carmen Prelude2.
Carmen - Bizet
Poster for Bizet's Carmen Carmen Poster for the New York City Opera performance of Carmen Design by Rafal Olbinski 38 in. x 24 in.
Georges Bizet 1838 - 1875
2 delle partiture più celebri di Bizet, le musiche di scena per L'Arlesienne di Alphonse Daudet e l'opera Carmen, erano ancora di là da venire nel 1871,
Opera Productions - Mark V. Sykes
Carmen (Bizet). 1989/1990, Faust (Gounod) La Forza del Destino (Verdi) Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti). 1990/1991, Cavalleria Rusticana (Mascagni) /
Sipario Cyclopedia -DAVID GARFORTH
Carmen, Bizet arr Garforth/Petit Corpo di Ballo del Teatro alla Scala Pacific Symphony Orchestra. New York, New York City Opera, Lincoln Center
galerie choregies
"Carmen" (Bizet). Carmen. Otello. 2003 "Otello" (Verdi). 2003 "La Traviata" (Verdi) Carmen. 1998 "Carmen" (Bizet). 1997 "Turandot" (Puccini). Turandot
Bizet: Carmen - Immagine e audio - MSN Encarta
La prima della Carmen di Georges Bizet si tenne a Parigi nel 1875 e costituì una svolta nella storia dell'opera francese. L'opera, famosa per l'intensa
Carmen! sur tes pas. (Bizet). 8. Les tringles des sistres. (Carmen) (Bizet) Si tu m'aimes, Carmen (Bizet). 12. Carmen, un bon conseil (Bizet)
Carmen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bizet’s original design of Carmen had dialogue in place of recitative. After Bizet's death, the musical community felt it would be more appreciated in the
Teletour Online - Italia - Arena di Verona - Sinopsi Carmen
La storia del testo di Carmen , o meglio la storia dei suoi travisamenti, è lunga quanto la vita del capolavoro di Bizet.