wiki:config - old revision restored
Most of DokuWiki‘s features can be configured through various config options. The easiest way to modify these options is using the Configuration Manager. This page describes all available settings and their possible values.
Squeezebox and Softsqueeze not in sync
I have searched the forums and FAQ:s and all I can find is that it should work. Well, should it? What am I doing wrong? Other than this, I am very very happy with my squeezebox. Great thing! Thanks, /Andreas
A look at the Lost action figures
The Lost action figures are now in stores everywhere. If you are curious to find out how they look, you are in luck my friend, because photos of the plastic heroes have been published on the Internet by a dedicated fan.
Reverend Gary Davis - Children of Zion
My kind of Praise & Worship music
Doc Watson and Friends - Make Me A Palet On The Floor
A bluegrass rendition of the Mississippi John Hurt song
Mother Maybelle Carter - Wildwood Flower
Introduced by The Man in Black
China's Persecuted Church
The strange tale of Bishop Li Liangui of Cangzhou: Chinese Bishop abducted, escapes over illicit ordination
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PlayStation 2) was listed for 20 points on 2006-11-29 at 11:07
Mobile Video From VlogEurope
Here's some video shot on my cell phone during VlogEurope. Click the image below to start the video. Shorts videos from VlogEurope screenshot. Originally I wanted to put my cell phone videos together in some kind of interactive movie,
Zoom-and-rotate on mouseover effect in Graphics View
Have you seen flash-interfaces with controls that grow and twist when you move your mouse over them? Here’s how to do that in Graphics View. I was so surprised at how easy it was that I thought I’d share it. Here’sa screenshot, just so
Sistemi professionali per lavanderia - Andreas Resch professional
[Appiano, BZ] Propone la consulenza, la progettazione, vendita, el'assistenza per ogni tipo di lavanderia. I settori, l'azienda, le informazioni.
Dipartimento di Matematica "Federigo Enriques"/Andreas Veeser
E-mail, Andreas.Veeser@mat. unimi. it. Room, 2051, II piano. Telephone, +39-02503.16186. Office Hours, Giovedì 15.30 -17.30
Dossier Andreas
Andreas Martens (1951), comics author. Does anyone know what Andreas did exactly for L'ecrin? 23 February 2006 In March two new albums will appear:
Apogeonline - GTA San Andreas
Ti diverte sbaragliare gli avversari accompagnando Carl per le strade di San Andreas? Ecco il libro giusto per giocare da campioni,con tutti gli stratagemmi
solitude.dk | Commentary on media, communication, culture and
This is the personal website of Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen. Here is commentary on media, communiÂcation, culture and technology. Andreas is attending the
Andreas Vollenweider and Friends
The OFFICIAL Andreas Vollenweider and Friends website. In the 20-year span of his career, Andreas Vollenweider has sold over ten million albums with his
Andreas Johnson testi, accordi, traduzioni, foto, links
Andreas Johnson testi,accordi,traduzioni,foto,links,siti.
A. Caranti
Attenzione! Fate riferimento alla mia pagina http://science.unitn.it/~caranti/, o attendete di essere ridiretti.
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