Review: Logitech Z-5450 Digital 5.1 speaker system
I also needed to specifically tell the Xbox (on the weird green menu system that I only usually see between ejecting a game and turning the console off) that it should use "Dolby Surround" rather than stereo.
The Best Dreamcast Games For Today: The Top Titles That Still Matter
The Dreamcast also benefits from a twice as powerful audio card as the PS2 when combined with a VGA adapter and a high-definition TV or computer monitor. Super Street Fighter 2X - possibly the best console version of the game
adaptec avc-1400 gamebridge usb 2.0 adapter
the only way to connect and play console games with full control through your computer full 10-bit video adc's and data path; 5-line adaptive comb filter adaptec gamebridge avc-1400; usb 2.0 cable; 4-in-1 audio/video cable
graphic glitches from opening logos to in game
name: via networking velocity family giga-bit ethernet adapter nero digital audio decoder,0x00600000,1,1,neaudio.ax,1.00.0004.0000 os nt 5.1, 2047mb physical memory, 1634 physical available, 1991 virtual available run-options
question about the logitech 5.1 game console adapter
if i'm using an xbox360 with its audio cables plugged into that, with the 360 set for surround sound, am i to understand i'll still only be getting stereo on the speakers
How-To: Turn a standard Xbox 360 video cable into a VGA cable for
Every so often, that console-modding Benjamin Heckendorn wanders away from his Breakout box type adapter. As shown at the beginning of this article. Attach the inner wires to the left and right audio spots on the Xbox connector
only sound after loading
reliccoh started at 2006-10-29 16:42 os nt 5.1, 1023mb physical memory, 16:43:01.20 game -- beginning fe 16:43:01.20 uifrontend - loading front end menuitem: sun java console - {08b0e5c0-4fcb-11cf-aaa5-00401c608501} - c:\program
can't play any game higher then 1v1 without lag
reliccoh started at 2006-08-11 01:47 os nt 5.1, 2048mb physical memory, hsd1.sc.comcast.net. ethernet adapter local area connection 3: media state . sun java console - {08b0e5c0-4fcb-11cf-aaa5-00401c608501} - c:\program
hardware and software issues :: game crashing with animated fog in
one console command is "setfog" - and i set both values at 0 in hopes of operating system: windows xp professional (5.1, build 2600) service pack 2 name: marvell yukon gigabit ethernet 10/100/1000base-t adapter, copper rj-45
M3 Lite Pro, Passcard 3, Sandisk 1GB microSD, Card Reader
Then, insert M3 Adapter with microSD Card into NDS/NDSL, and it will be available after boot up the Highest DS game compatibility with perfect save function. MPEG-1 Audio Layer-2 file (*. MP2) MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 file (*. MP3)