Third edition
International Music Competition



The International Music Competition NUORO EUROMEDITERRANEA
is held ????? (exactly dates in july) in Nuoro. Is open to the
soloists (with their instrument)
and to duos with piano, musicians of all nationalities.


The stages will happen from ???? in the Museo del Costume of Nuoro. The Final Concert of the prize-winners will be held on the ?????. All prize-winners will be required to collect their awards and to play at the Final Concert. No monetary award will be granted in the case of absence. No fee is payable to competitors in case of any recording, trasmitting or broadcast.


The order of playing will be determinated by ballott, drawn at the opening reception. All competitors should attend this event:
CAT.A & B :

Late comers will only be accepted in the case of accident, illness, or other unusual circumstances.


Before taking part in the Competition, the competitor must present an official document proving their identity, and a copy of the pieces performed in the stage.


The decision of the jury will be final and beyond appeal. The jury is not obliged to award all the prizes.


The organization as the right to cancel all or part of the competitions. Competitors will be adviced and repaired.


Partecipation in the Competition entails the unconditional acceptance of the present Regulations, without any reservations. The Italian language version of these Regulations is definitive.


CAT. A : until age 11

CAT. B : until age 15

CAT. C : until age 19

CAT. D : until age 35

CAT. A : max. 10 min. free programm

CAT. B : max. 15 min. free programm

CAT. C : max. 20 min. free programm

CAT. D : max. 35 min. free programm

CAT. A - B - C - D :

1° prize from 95 to 100/100, diploma and cup

2° prize from 90 to 94/100, diploma and cup

3° prize from 85 to 89/100, diploma and cup

4° prize from 80 a 84/100, diploma

1° absolut prize cat.A 100

1° absolut prize cat.B  150

1° absolut prize cat.C  € 350

1° absolut prize cat.D  700

Special Prize: 250 to absolut winner of the competition

In case of a tie, the prize money will be divided