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MCN: Tesi launch at Milan
This is the latest incarnation of Bimota’s hub steered Tesi concept, due to be launched in Milan next week
bimota tesi 2d
http://www.bimota.it/scheda_tesi2d_1_eng.htm i first saw this bike last week while waiting to get my hair cut. it was in some magazine, dont remember. well anyway,.this is the badest bike i ever saw, it has a front and rear
tesi qualita
via tesi qualita: http://tesi-qlugevj.lightven.info/index.html
bimota tesi on ebay
one of the 32 originally us bimota tesis is currently for sale on ebay. buy it now price is us$31000. the tesi is notable for its hub-center steering system that forgoes the usual telescoping fork
riccardo tesi - lune [1/5]
bit torrent details:. category: audio original site: http://www.meganova.org/ size: 334.7 mb, in 19 files seeds: 1 leechers: 5 downloads: 1. description: tracked by colombo-bt.org
bero-beroan: eta eta gobernuaren konpromisoei buruzko tesi bat
uztailetik hona politikaren lehen lerroetan dabil eta eta gobernuaren arteko balizko konpromisoena eta prozesuaren krisiarena. espainiako gobernuak biak ukatu ditu, bai konpromisoak eta baita krisia [
[flac] riccardo tesi - lune [colombo-bt.org]
category: music subcategory: folk quality: lossless language: no language info uploaded by: spinello size: 334.70 mb
bimota tesi 2d will leave you speechless
tesi 2d: this bike broaches the ground between sculpture and contraption, shakespeare and hunter s. thompson and rube goldberg and da vinci. only about 40 of the tesi will be brought into north america through 2007. at first glimpse,
re: interested and currious, bimota tesi
quote from: capncrunch on today at 12:23:10 pm. any thoughts on how the steering is accomplished? looks like some sort of linkage, using them-thar red rods. (yeah, i know you can see that. i'm not sure how it works.
re: interested and currious, bimota tesi
i read about it cycle world, i've seen several versions in the past few years, not my thing, nothing like a set of shiny ohlins

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