Web 2.0 and BPM slides on slideshare
I've posted a downloadable version of the slides from my presentation on Web You can go through the slides in place below using the controls below the slide, or click on the slide to take you to the larger view on the slideshare site
Big Slides
Currently at the Tate modern there is a installation by Carsten Höller which has 4 slides, the largest of the spiralling slides is more than 182ft long and descends from the fifth floor. Tickets for the slides are free which you get an
Looking past death by PowerPoint
And as part of our courses, we often present our Hall of Shame slides, meaningless and confusing PowerPoint slides collected over many years to illustrate just how many ways executives can go wrong with PowerPoint slides.
Presentation Prestidigitation
Superbly scripted; rapid-fire presentation slides with single images or single Some had online versions on which I could do word and slide counts. On the slide front, the one-picture-per slide seem to average 1 slide per minute.
audio and some slides
we have audio from every talk, and slides from many of them, david guiney, designing across multiple media for the national park service. slides to come, mp3 ali sant, trace: mapping the emerging urban landscape. slides to come,
ZendCon / PHP Conference Slides UP
My ZendCon and PHP Conference slides are up. Moving to PHP5 with Style Planning a PHP4 -> PHP5 platform Rewrite Advanced PHP Tools (tutorial). I enjoyed these two conferences a lot, and wrote up a not-so-technical review of
PowerPoint Tip - Downside of Dashboards
One of the recent trends in executive presentations is to create what is know as dashboard slides. A dashboard slide is a way for executives to get a quick view on projects, initiatives, financial or other measurements of interest.
Slides from Mono's Meeting
There was an official Mono Meeting Day a few days ago and now Novell has published their slides online in PDF form. Scheduling of upcoming versions of Mono are discussed among others
frankfurt slides
i’ll be writing more thoughts on the conference in a wrap-up later, including a wrap-up of the zend conference last week, but, in the meantime, i’m going to get some rest and collect my thoughts. for now, i’ve attached the slides and
railsconf presentation slides and example code
as promised, here are the slides and example code from my railsconf presentation. presentation slides (pdf); example application (zip
internet@scuola.it :: slides
logo Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. |, tecnologia, |, didattica, |, denaro-scuola, |, slides, |, |, home, |. Slides. Slides in formato PowerPoint (.ppt)
Slides Roma 25 gennaio 2002
LE SLIDES DEGLI INTERVENTI DEI RELATORI per gentile concessione dei rispettivi autori Questa pagina è http://www.isoc.it/tavolarotonda/slides.php
The Slides Document Type
The Slides Document Type is an XML vocabulary derived from DocBook. Presentations are by nature visual and the Slides stylesheets provide a wide range
Conduits > Products > Pocket Slides: PowerPoint Presentations and
Pocket Slides allows creation, editing, and playback of presentations on your Pocket Slides is a trademark of Conduits Technologies, Inc. Microsoft,
300 Multiple Choices
Multiple Choices. The document name you requested ( /student/1997/kenb/neuroanatomy/readme_neuro.html ) could not be found on this server.
The Slides Document Type
The Slides Document Type is an XML vocabulary derived from DocBook. Presentations are by nature visual and the Slides stylesheets provide a wide range
Conduits > Products > Pocket Slides: PowerPoint Presentations and
Pocket Slides allows creation, editing, and playback of presentations on your Pocket Slides is a trademark of Conduits Technologies, Inc. Microsoft,
300 Multiple Choices
Multiple Choices. The document name you requested ( /student/1997/kenb/neuroanatomy/readme_neuro.html ) could not be found on this server.
Slides: See what people are saying right now on Technorati
See all blog posts tagged with slides on Technorati.
My 'Future of Web Apps' slides (plasticbag.org)
My slides. I've been trying to work out the best way to put these up in Basically, the slides are so Keynote-dependent and full of itions and weird
Tate Modern | Current Exhibitions | The Unilever Series: Carsten
Tickets for the slides are free, timed and available in the gallery, on the day. To date Höller has installed six smaller slides in other galleries and
Powerpoint lecture slides
These lecture slide sets were published in the Purdue Cytometry CDROM series. They may be downloaded and used for educational purposes without copyright
I siti web delle strutture del CNR - Slides
SLIDES RELATIVE AL I MODULO. Presentazione del corso SLIDES RELATIVE AL II MODULO. Strumenti e metodi per lo sviluppo di siti Web con caratteristiche di