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Feeds and Other Alternative Optimization Opportunities Search Engine Roundtable
Greg Jarboe of SEO-PR.com was up first. He shows a slide of news search, vertical search, local, blog and social search, as they are used more and more by agencies and marketers. MarketingSherpa tested the tactic known as SEO PR.
WebmasterWorld Pubcon Kickoff Keynote Address - Guy Kawasaki Search Engine Roundtable
Guy Kawasaki from Garage Technology Ventures, worked at Apple in the past. He makes fun of PC's and then begins his keynote. He worked at Apple in the mid 90s and he was responsible for convincing companies to write software
ASX substantial shareholding notices - Nov 14 Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
The following substantial shareholder notices were made to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) yesterday. Australian Wealth Management Limited [AUW.AX ] Becoming a substantial holder
GMA under fire from JFC on political killings The Daily Tribune
Various foreign trade groups have joined the international call for the Arroyo administration to halt politically-motivated killings in the country which has given the Arroyo government and the country an international blackeye.
Inertia: A Tragedy For Racing Virtual Form Guide
At September’s Wagering Forum, Tabcorp’s Chief Executive Elmer Funke Kupper drew attention to New South Wales’ poor wagering performance from 2004 to 2006. His presentation, which can be found at http://www.ajc.com.au/general/wageringForum/EFK.ppt showed very low growth (below NSW inflation) from 2000 to 2005, slipping into recession in the last year, whilst the Northern Territory bookmakers and
DARPA Starts Ultimate Language Translation Project Slashdot
An anonymous reader writes "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched the ultimate speech lation engine project that would be capable of real-time interpretation of television and radio programs as well as printed or online textual information in order to be summarized, abstracted, and presented to human analysts emphasizing points of particular interest." If combined
Paparazzi Hound 'Jackie and Marilyn' in Pittsburgh World Premiere Playbill via Yahoo! News
Pittsburgh Public Theater, never shy about new works, postmarks the world premiere of The Secret Letters of Jackie and Marilyn Nov. 9, toward a Nov. 17 opening.
PowerPoint Flaw Not a Vulnerability BetaNews
It may seem ironic, imagining Microsoft breathing a sigh of relief upon discovering it's only a bug that takes down PowerPoint. But a proof-of-concept routine pointed out to Microsoft last October turned out not to be something exploitable for planting malicious code onto a system remotely.
ASX substantial shareholding notices - Nov 10 Reuters Finance News, Australia via Yahoo!7 Finance
The following substantial shareholder notices were made to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) yesterday.
ASX substantial shareholding notices - Nov 10 Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
The following substantial shareholder notices were made to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) yesterday. Australian Ethanol Limited [AAE.AX ] Change in substantial holding -- McGuigan Simeon Wines Limited [MGW.AX ] Change in substantial holding -- Oamps Limited [OMP.AX ] Change in substantial holding from WES -- Burns, Philp & Company Limited [BPC.AX ] Change

Microsoft PowerPoint - lezione_excel.ppt
1. excel. Fogli Elettronici. • Un foglio elettronico (o spreadsheet) e` un software. applicativo nato dall’esigenza di
Le Macchine di Turing. Precorsi di Informatica. Dott. Antonio Cisternino. 23-25 Settembre 2003. Storia del calcolo. Fin dall’antichità l’uomo ha cercato
Pittsburgh Public Theater
Pittsburgh Public Theater w 621 Penn Ave. w Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Administration Offices: 412.316.8200 w Box Office: 412.316.1600
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