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Tuesday November 14, 2006 By Isabella Dusi The New Zealand Herald
We sit under the chestnut trees as Elena brings trays of purple figs and rose-coloured prosciutto to the tables, while 14-year-old Flavio, wrapped in a floral apron, grills egg-plant and zucchini, basting it with rosemary and olive oil.
Resignation of Shiite ministers Deadlock Monday Morning
“This government respects the Constitution and principles based on dialogue and consensus, and it insists on cooperating with all parties in order to find solutions which preserve the interests of Lebanon”, it indicated.
H5N1 Bird Flu Virus Is Changing, FAO And OIE Recommend Increased Surveillance When Vaccinating Medical News Today
According to a report in last week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the identification of a new H5N1 virus sublineage in poultry, this new virus sublineage, called Fujian virus, appears to have become the dominant strain of the H5N1 avian influenza circulating in parts of Asia. [click link for full article]
Epithelial Damage and Angiogenesis in the Airways of Children With Asthma RedNova
By Barbato, Angelo; Turato, Graziella; Baraldo, Simonetta; Bazzan, Erica; Et al Rationale: Airway remodeling and inflammation are characteristic features of adult asthma that are still poorly investigated in childhood asthma.
Cabinet puts off decision on Palestinian Embassy following contentious debate The Daily Star Lebannon
The Lebanese government suspended discussions Thursday on a controversial proposal for the establishment of a Palestinian Embassy in Beirut, after a heated debate and a request for postponement by the foreign minister. Some Lebanese politicians, including President Emile Lahoud.
Sculpture erected in memory of late Jackson Local principal The Canton Repository
JACKSON TWP. The memories left by the late Stephanie Beoglos Bartuseck during her 25-year career with Jackson Local Schools have been rehashed, cherished and passed on since her death.
New H5N1 Bird Flu Virus in Asia Ag Report
PARIS - Nov 8/06 - SNS -- The highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of avian influenza has mutated into what is called the Fujian virus, according to a report in last week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the identification of a new H5N1 virus sublineage in poultry.
Coldplay Announce Tour in Ridius Manner Pitchfork
Coldplay? More like Coldpretentious! If you thought those guys were annoying, just wait until you hear this: Coldplay will launch yet another North American tour early next year, but we can't tell you all of the dates just yet.
Composite Substrates Could Boost Performance, Cut Costs of GaN RF Power Devices, European R&D Program Indicates SYS-CON Media
Picogiga International, a division of the Soitec Group (Euronext, Paris) and the leader of the European HYPHEN project, today announced excellent initial material characterization results surrounding gallium nitride (GaN) on compound engineered substrates, which should enable a new range of reasonably priced, high-performance radio-frequency (RF) applications. The three-year project that started
Africa: H5N1 Bird Flu Virus is Changing -- FAO And Oie Recommend Increased Surveillance When Vaccinating AllAfrica.com
According to a report in last week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the identification of a new H5N1 virus sublineage in poultry, this new virus sublineage, called Fujian virus, appears to have become the dominant strain of the H5N1 avian influenza circulating in parts of Asia. If the report is confirmed, this does not come as a surprise, FAO and the World Organisation for

Il Gazzettino Online: il quotidiano del NordEst
Leggi le notizie nazionali o delle edizioni locali di Venezia, Padova, Treviso, Vicenza, Bassano del Grappa, Belluno, Rovigo, Udine e Pordenone.
antenoreNet il portale della Provincia di Padova
ANTENORENET - logo del sito web della Provincia di Padova il portale venerdì 10 novembre 2006 ore 16.00 Sala Rappresentanza della Provincia di Padova
Calcio Padova 1910 - Sito Ufficiale
Sito ufficiale. Notizie sul campionato, la storia, foto del tifo padovano. (Richiede Flash)
Padova - Wikipedia
Padova è un comune di 210.938 abitanti, capoluogo dell'omonima provincia, Padova è inoltre nota in tutto il mondo come la città di Sant'Antonio,
www.padovafiere.it ::: La Fiera di Padova
Contiene il calendario delle esposizioni, informazioni utili per i visitatori, comunicati stampe e foto.

antenoreNet il portale della Provincia di Padova
ANTENORENET - logo del sito web della Provincia di Padova il portale venerdì 10 novembre 2006 ore 16.00 Sala Rappresentanza della Provincia di Padova
Calcio Padova 1910 - Sito Ufficiale
Sito ufficiale. Notizie sul campionato, la storia, foto del tifo padovano. (Richiede Flash)
Padova - Wikipedia
Padova è un comune di 210.938 abitanti, capoluogo dell'omonima provincia, Padova è inoltre nota in tutto il mondo come la città di Sant'Antonio,
www.padovafiere.it ::: La Fiera di Padova
Contiene il calendario delle esposizioni, informazioni utili per i visitatori, comunicati stampe e foto.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
The main goal of the Astronomical Observatory of Padua is scientific research in Astronomy and Astrophysics.
CCIAA di Padova
La Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura offre una guida a servizi ed attività, recapiti, notiziario.
De Padova - Home
E non è un eccesso perchè le cinque signore del design italiano Antonia Astori, Gae Aulenti, Cini Boeri, Maddalena De Padova e Nanda Vigo
il Mattino di Padova
A 500 anni dalla morte, Padova, Verona e Mantova ospitano un'esposizione unica nel La posta de Il Mattino di Padova. Scrivi alla redazione. DAL NETWORK
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