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Jet Multimédia: activité en croissance de 14 % sur 9 mois SYS-CON Media
Le chiffre d'affaires consolidé du groupe Jet Multimédia pour le 3ème trimestre 2006 atteint 65,4 M EUR contre 58,2 M EUR en 2005, en croissance de 12 %. Grâce à la poursuite d'une croissance à deux chiffres, le chiffre d'affaires progresse de 14% sur les 9 premiers mois de l'exercice pour s'établir à 194,8 M EUR.
Jet Multimedia: Activity Grows of 14 % Over 9 Months SYS-CON Media
Consolidated revenue of Jet Multimedia group for the third quarter of 2006 amounts to E 65.4 million compared to E 58.2 million in 2005, growing 12%. Thanks to the continuation of a two digits growth, the revenue increases by 14% over the first nine months of the year to reach E 194.8 million.
Jet Multimedia: Geschäftszunahme um 14 % in 9 Monaten SYS-CON Media
Der konsolidierte Ertrag des Konzerns Jet Multimedia für das dritte Quartal 2006 belief sich auf 65,4 Millionen EUR im Vergleich zu 58,2 Millionen EUR 2005, was einer Zunahme um 12 % entspricht.
Mobidia .wave Multimedia Performance Management Solution Enables Wireless Operators to Monetize User-Generated Mobile Broadcast Newsroom
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, BUSINESS WIRE -- Mobidia Inc.(SM) (www.mobidia.com), a service performance management company that lets wireless operators control the quality and delivery of mobile content on both uplink and downlink, today introduced its .wave(TM) (dot wave) multimedia services product set.
Scalable Video Engine suits mobile multimedia applications. ThomasNet
Meeting power and area requirements of portable multimedia devices, SVENm adds video functionalities to portable products by providing MMC, SDIO, compact flash, and multimedia interfaces. It performs simultaneous video encoding and decoding as well as dual stream decoding and audio processing. Product also integrates scaling, deinterlacing, and color space conversion. Individual functional blocks
VeriFone Launches EMV Solution for MX870 Multimedia Platform CRM Today
VeriFone Holdings, Inc. has announced the launch of an EMV Level 2-approved solution for the MX870 multimedia platform.
Multimedia chips tuned for China Embedded Systems Programming Magazine
Shanghai, China -- Moving into personal media players, Vimicro Corp. is introducing a line of multimedia chips, with reference designs and software, to court manufacturers with designs for PMPs, which are rising in popularity in China.
Multimedia processor targets sub-$100 CE devices EETimes
Ten months after rolling out the Zevio ASIC platform at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, LSI Logic has introduced the Zevio 1020--a multimedia application processor designed to power sub-$100 consumer devices
Epson's stand at GITEX to feature latest range of photo printers and multimedia storage viewers AME Info
Epson will showcase its latest Stylus Photo R390 and Stylus Photo R270 superior quality A4 photo printers, PictureMate PM 100, PictureMate PM 280 and PictureMate PM 240 premium quality 10x15cm photo printers and P-3000 and P-5000 multimedia storage viewers at its Stand # C-4-30, Hall 4, at GITEX 2006 which will be held from November 18 to 22.
Averatec Announces Affordable GPS System PC Magazine via Yahoo! News
Averatec today announced its newest GPS navigation system, the Voya 320, which includes a multimedia player for your pictures, videos, and music.

Tgcom - Multimedia
Internet, tv, telefonia, radio: questo è Tgcom multimedia. Partito meno di cinque anni fa come testata esclusivamente sul Web, oggi il marchio Tgcom "firma"
Kataweb Multimedia
Antonella Mosetti per For Men · RealPlayer · Flash Player · Windows Media Player · Scrivi a Kataweb Multimedia · Contatti · Pubblicità.
Marketing Multimedia Srl
Marketing Multimedia realizza siti internet, piattaforme e-commerce e CD-Rom, supporta meeting e convention, pianifica e gestisce campagne ADV on line,
Master in Multimedia
il sito internet del master in multimedia adotta una nuova veste grafica, Giunto oggi alla IX edizione (a.a. 2006/2007) il Master in Multimedia Content
Opera Multimedia .:. Contenuti Multimediali per l'E-learning
Il corso di inglese finanziario Credit Line edito da Opera Multimedia è stato Opera Multimedia project leader nell’ambito del programma Culture2000
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