Internet & Nature: Too Much, Not Enough of Good Th
While more people spend time on the Internet instead of TV, and reasons for addiction to both probably Regardless of how much time we spend fixated on our flat-screened icons, hypnotized in our virtual worlds, we will always be part
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Yahoo and Microsoft have been flat or declining on both counts for the year. Paul La Monica at CNNMoney said the Street likes IACI's top man, Barry Diller. His company is seen as an up and coming Internet play thanks to the improvements
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Key gambling foe to appear on BBC
"If Internet gambling were legalized in the US, the economy would have the effect of a major recession. "The people just flat didn't like that. I really don't think you can legislate morality, and I've got a problem with trying to
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The Internet is now the best and richest source of local information; The “Local Internet†is only getting more crowded by the week it seems. Even though readers/audiences are flat-to-declining, there’s no single source online
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while the fun was going on, i was encouraging everybody i could to call, email, fax their representatives and let them know that they support a flat internet. with both the house and the senate in democratic hands, it seems likely that
In light of internet holiday sales, most of which happen on Monday after I don’t purchase much on the internet so I don’t claim Black Monday as an ethnic jewelry, furniture, flat screens, computer or musical electronic items
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