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VU#361792:Computer Associates Discovery Service buffer overflow
Multiple Computer Associates products contain a buffer overflow in the code Computer Associates BrightStor ARCserve Backup, BrightStor Enterprise Backup http://supportconnectw.ca.com/public/storage/infodocs/basbr-secnotice.asp
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Pre-Market Stock News Nov. 3, 2006
(CA) Computer Associates $0.25 EPS sv $0.20e. (CEPH) Cephalon $1.78 EPS vs $1.12e. (CMGI) CMGI announced sale of one of its portfolio (PSA) Public Storage $0.77 EPS vs $0.76e. (QCOM) Qualcomm down 1.6% on downgrade after earnings.
Intelligent Storage Management
Helping CIOs handle exploding storage growth using existing storage networks. By Raymond Chew, director of product management for Computer Associates’ Brightstor solutions
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Computer Associates Utility Computing
Department: Enterprise Systems Management Computer Associates International, Inc. (NYSE: CA) is one of the world’s largest management software companies, delivering software and services across operations, security, storage, life cycle
New CIOs at Computer Associates and Kennametal
Yesterday, Computer Associates (CA) promoted David Hansen to the SVP and CIO post, which CA’s previous CIO, Kevin Kern, vacated in August. and created technology teams focused on security, storage and infrastructure management
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McLaren also have a technical partnership with Computer Associates. McLaren has only 9 people in its IT department, and so rely heavily on external suppliers. CA provides the data storage used to store the staggering amount of
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Computer Associates Worldwide: Svizzera - Comunicato stampa
» BrightStor r11.5 di Computer Associates aiuta le aziende a
La soluzione di Intelligent Storage Management ottimizza l'efficienza storage Basiglio, 6 settembre, 2005 - Computer Associates annuncia la
Computer Associates
Computer Associates International, Inc. è leader mondiale nel settore del una gestione completa e integrata dello storage dal mainframe al laptop,
Computer Associates Italia - Case history - ATM
2005 Computer Associates International Inc. (CA) - Tutti i diritti «Grazie alle capacità di gestione dello storage e ai moduli Enterprise e SAN
Annuario Assicurazioni - Prodotti, servizi e tecnologie per il
Su queste direttrici Computer Associates ha seguito nel tempo l'evoluzione dei per la sicurezza e per lo storage, e delle informazioni aziendali,

Computer Associates
Computer Associates International, Inc. è leader mondiale nel settore del una gestione completa e integrata dello storage dal mainframe al laptop,
Computer Associates Italia - Case history - ATM
2005 Computer Associates International Inc. (CA) - Tutti i diritti «Grazie alle capacità di gestione dello storage e ai moduli Enterprise e SAN
Annuario Assicurazioni - Prodotti, servizi e tecnologie per il
Su queste direttrici Computer Associates ha seguito nel tempo l'evoluzione dei per la sicurezza e per lo storage, e delle informazioni aziendali,
CA - company profile on STORAGEsearch.com
editor's comment:- CA is one of the Top 10 Storage Software Companies read article by Plasmon the Impact of Compliance on Archival Storage Strategies
FORUM P.A. 2001
Nella consociata Italiana di Computer Associates (con Sedi a Milano, Roma e Torino) lavorano Sicurezza, Storage, eBusiness Transformation & Integration,
Computer Associates presenta alla stampa italiana le iniziative aziendali specifiche per la sicurezza e lo storage dei dati, le Protection Suites.
P.a.: Cnipa Sigla Collaborazione Con Computer Associates
P.a.: Cnipa Sigla Collaborazione Con Computer Associates aree della sicurezza IT, del system and network management, dello storage e dell'IT governance.
Computer Associates
Miramar Systems Inc. was acquired by Computer Associates in March 2004. Technology Solutions · Small and Medium Business · Storage
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