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Wearable Computer enables warehouse inventory moves. ThomasNet
Enabling piece picking, case picking, parcel moves, and broken case activities, Model HX2 data collection computer features fully mappable backlit keys and color display for easy viewing from any angle. With magnesium alloy front and impact-resistant screen, rugged product includes laser and imager ring scanners. Driven by Windows® CE 5.0 OS and Intel® XScale® processor, device includes
Eat turkey. Take a nap. At midnight, we shop! Chicago Tribune
Pressed to be the first to open their doors to shoppers the morning after Thanksgiving, retailers are deciding that 5 a.m. is no longer early enough. This year, a growing number of them have determined it's not worth going to bed at all.
Sellers' aim: Make my eDay Rocky Mountain News
Thomas Burns opened his Jazz Record Revival store back in 1978, before the birth of today's Internet. The vintage record shop originally was on South Broadway in Denver. Burns has since moved to Bailey and sells most of his vinyl online. He turned to eBay in 1997.
DVD Talk's Cars DVD Road Trip DVD Talk
unusually early to stand in line at the DMV isn't how I'd normally prefer to start a Monday morning, but this was thankfully just the first leg of a press event at Pixar's corporate headquarters to ring in the November 7th DVD release of Cars [ review ]. The test kicked off with an eye exam to pick out the movie's extended cast of characters from a chart: everyone from hotshot racer Lightning
Shop Talk The Daily Star
Shop Talk is a weekly column featuring locally owned and operated businesses. This week, we talk to Buran Doyon, one of five co-owners of Bearded Dragon Games and Hobbies, a game store in Oneonta.
Experts analysing computer data Kaumundi Online
Experts were ascertaining if the computer seized by the police during a raid here was used by Mohammed Fahad, one of the two Pakistani militants arrested in Mysore recently, for carrying out covert transactions with the Al-Badr terror outfit and for sending e-mails to Pakistan.
Ride On CNN Money
Although it's just past noon on a Monday and she's at work, Heather Birdwell pours herself a glass of wine. "I'm not a heavy drinker at all," she says, half apologizing, "but I think I need to relax a little bit." We're in Lakewood, Calif., in the house where Heather used to live; it's now headquarters for Damzl, a seller of women's motorcycle clothing that Birdwell founded with her sister,
This isn’t your average tag The Scranton Times-Tribune
As Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply employee Angela Kitchnefsky reaches into her bin and puts a clean uniform on a hanger, her computer monitor instantly shows that the shirt came from Bruce George Paving and Excavating Inc.
Hyper Local Media: How Internet Punk Rob Curley is Transforming Journalism Fast Company Magazine

KPCC asks leaders not to criticise UDF constituents Kaumundi Online
: KPCC president Ramesh Chennithala asked party leaders to exercise restraint while issuing statements against the constituents in the Congress-led United Democratic Front.

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