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Water cooler EETimes
What's the latest and greatest news heard around the water cooler?
Dr. Bombay Computer M.D. Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Some long for simpler times, the rest evolve
Launched Today - Broadband Service to Include a PC Worth GBP500 for Every Customer SYS-CON Media
A unique broadband deal for consumers and businesses was launched today. For a monthly fee of only GBP19.99 every customer will receive a comprehensive PC package worth GBP500 as part of the broadband offer.
IdleAire COO Announces Resignation; Company Names Youngs as Replacement PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
David Everhart, co-founder, original Chief Executive Officer and current Chief Operating Officer of IdleAire Technologies Corporation, announced today he has resigned as COO due to ongoing medical issues.
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications Linux Devices
The latest news & announcements about Linux based embedded applications Keywords: Match: Sort by: Oct. 20, 2006 — Eurotech has released two PC/104-Plus SBCs with 800MHz Pentium III processors. The CPU-1462 features four USB 2.0 ports, while the CPU-1464 boasts gigabit Ethernet.
Internet Explorer, Again Jewish World Review
http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | It's the season for new/old releases — "Casino Royale" is due in theatres again, this time as Ian Fleming's original drama, not a comic pastiche — so it should be little surprise that Internet Explorer, Microsoft's "original" Web browser is appearing in a new form: slayer of Firefox.
USB Flash Memory Key comes in 1, 2, 4, and 8 GB models. ThomasNet
Featuring swivel interface for access to any USB port, MicroKey FLASH includes durable solid-state memory in lightweight, crush resistant aluminum alloy enclosure for protecting data from rigors of travel. Memory key weighs 2.5 oz and has rugged carrying case, which can clip onto user's belt for easy transportation. Plug-n-play and hot swappable device is bundled with Second Copy 2000
New IE tightens security, eases use The Washington Times
It's the season for new/old releases. "Casino Royale" is expected in theaters again, this time as Ian Fleming's original drama, not a comic pastiche.
By Therese Poletti, San Jose Mercury News, Calif. Oct. 19--Advanced Micro Devices, the No. 2 maker of personal computer processors, reported Wednesday that its profit margin took a hit in its most recent quarter because of its price war with Intel.
Intel Gains ahead of Earnings Report BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! News
Intel (NASDAQ:INTC - News) share prices edged up early Oct. 16, as investors made their bets ahead of the computer chip maker's quarterly earnings announcement and watched news reports about its sales.

eBay Italia - Offerte pc, pc PC da tavolo, computer, pentium 4 su
Compra pc, pc PC da tavolo, computer su eBay Italia. Trova inoltre una grande offerta di pentium 4 e monitor.
Microsoft Education - Fresh Start per PC donati
Possono essere inclusi in questo programma solo i personal computer con Intel Pentium II (o equivalente) e processori precedenti.
personal computer pentium 4 Compro e vendo Venezia
vendo pc pentium 4, 2.4Ghz,scheda madre IBM 8309, disco 40gb, memoria 512mb, tastiera mouse senza fi Usato Venezia. Annunci gratuiti di Auto usate,
IL PC COMPRENDE:Casse middle tower atx 350watt con usb frontali, ventol. 450 € - ACER INTEL PENTIUM 4 2,4 (478) - ATTENZIONE:VENDO PC
Un personal computer Pentium 4 p
Un personal computer Pentium 4 potenziato e relativi programmi ;; Una stampante DJ HP 3650 ;; Un DCA 2000 Analizer Bayer per la determinazione istantanea

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