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Finanziaria, il via libera della Commissione Ue CittadinoLex
Positive le previsioni per i conti pubblici italiani del 2007. E’ questo il dato di fondo che emerge dal rapporto economico di autunno della Commissione europea.
Jincheng Corporation Announces Manufacturing Alliance with Europe’s Largest Motorcycle Producer The Auto Channel
KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa.--Jincheng Corporation, one of China ’ s largest motorcycle manufacturers, today announced a strategic alliance with Europe ’ s largest producer of motorcycles and scooters.
Iraq: Saddam Hussein and another ex-senior officials sentenced to death by hanging Moldova.org
Saddam Hussein and another ex-senior officials were convicted on Sunday and sentenced to death by hanging. They were found guilty of crimes against humanity that includes acts of murder, forcible deportation, wrongful imprisonment, torture, enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts. In 1982, Sadam and his regime killed 148 people in a single Shiite town of Dujayl. Saddam, 69, shouted "God is
2007 U.S. Senate Race: 20 black ministers in Hampton Roads endorse Allen Moldova.org
In Hampton, Republican U.S. Sen. George Allen was endorsed by about 20 ministers, from predominantly black churches in southeast Virginia. Ministers said that they were attracted by Allen's support of a proposed constitutional amendment to ban marriages. Bishop Oried (oh-REED') Graves of the Hosannah Christian Church of Suffolk said he believes that Allen is "the man of the hour to carry
Claims about Haggard not likely to influence Colorado vote, analysts say Moldova.org
By Tom Kenworthy, USA TODAY DENVER — The explosive allegations that a prominent evangelical pastor paid for with a prostitute come just days before Colorado voters will decide on two ballot questions banning marriage and guaranteeing legal rights for domestic partners. Some political analysts question whether the brewing scandal that led Colorado Springs pastor Ted Haggard to resign
Allianz sees net profits continuing to rise in 2007 Sharewatch
\"We are sticking to our prognosis that net profit will raise by a double-digit pct,\" Allianz management board member Helmut Perlet said at a teleconference after the insurer released third-quarter figures that topped market forecasts.
AFX UK Focus 2006-11-03 11:31 GMT: Allianz sees net profits continuing to rise in 2007 Interactive Investor
FRANKFURT (AFX) - Allianz SE said that it expects net profits to continue to increase in 2007 after posting record-setting earning levels over the first nine months of 2006.
Minnesota Guard Photo: 'Halp us Jon Carry - We R stuck hear n Irak' Moldova.org
FALLS CHURCH, VA (Moldova.org) -- The Minnesota National Guard unit in Iraq came up with an unique and funny way to respond to Senator John Kerry comments. On Monday, Kerry told a group of college students in California: "You study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." Since then, Kerry is saying his comments were a
Finanziaria, salta la tassa sui Suv Miaeconomia
Via dalla Finanziaria la tassa sui suv. Ci sarà invece un aumento, nel quale saranno compresi anche i suv, per il bollo per le auto dai 100 cavalli in su. L'aumento sarà graduale all'aumentare dei cavalli. Lo ha annunciato il sottosegretario Alfiero Grandi, uscendo dalla riunione con la maggioranza.
Republic of Moldova unionist movement requests unification with Romania Moldova.org
Republic of Moldova Unionist Movement has organized on Sunday, October 29, the Republican Citizen Assembly (RCA) in support of president Traian Băsescu initiative of Republic of Moldova integrating the EU together with Romania on January 1 2007. The event took place in the square of the Opera House from Chisinau. The action began with the „Desteapta-te Romane” hymn sang by the children chorus

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