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The latest news & announcements about Linux on the desktop Desktop Linux
Oct. 19, 2006 — After collecting feedback from its users for five months, China's Sun Wah project team on Thursday introduced a revised version of its Debian-based distribution: Sun Wah Linux 1.5r2. The distro employs a 2.6.17 kernel and the GNOME desktop interface.
Citrix Gives Desktop a Dynamic Form RedNova
By Subashini Selvaratnam CITRIX Systems Inc has come up with the Dynamic Desktop initiative which offers desktop users better performance and flexibility to carry out a broad range of office-related tasks more efficiently.
U.S. Air Force Procures Desktop Alert Mass Notification System for Usage at Peterson Air Force Space Command Center and Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
Desktop Alert, Inc. today announced the U.S. Air Force Space Command Center in Peterson, Colorado has selected and purchased Desktop Alert Enterprise Servers for Mass Notification to critical personnel.
ISYS:desktop Provides Legal Support for The Law Offices of Ezekiel E. Cortez Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
DENVER----ISYS® Search Software , a global supplier of enterprise search solutions for business and government, today announced that the law offices of Ezekiel E. Cortez have selected ISYS:desktop to support the firm's defense of federal criminal trials in courts throughout the nation.
Microsoft completes Office 2007 Reuters via Yahoo! News
Microsoft Corp. said on Monday it has completed the software code for its Office 2007 suite and will begin to offer the world's most popular package of desktop software to corporate customers on November 30.
View beyond the desktop EETimes
As chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft Corp., Craig Mundie is helping chart a new course for the software giant--one that takes it beyond the traditional PC world and into a universe of embedded, networked devices. Mundie's enthusiasm for this new space became evident as he keynoted a gala Windows Embedded CE 6.0 rollout last week in Redmond, Wash. Afterward, Mundie sat down with EE
Microsoft Ends Photo-Sharing Project PC World via Yahoo! News
'Max' image technology may appear in new Web, desktop applications.
Why I'm sticking with Novell's Linux desktop Desktop Linux
Opinion -- Someone just asked me whether, now that Novell's become buddies with Microsoft , I'll be turning away from Novell/SUSE as one of my favorite Linux distributions. My answer is no. I'm sticking with SUSE Linux on both my desktops and servers. Here's why.
FedoraNews: Why I Believe Linux Isn't Getting to Average Joe's Desktop Linux Today
"I was reading another blog last night that stated two interesting and very contrasting facts. 53% of web servers around the world are using Linux. Less than 1% of desktop systems use Linux.
'Why I'm Sticking with Novell's Linux Desktop' OS News
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