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Redten offers £500 PC in broadband contract deal New Media Zero
Broadband provider Redten Internet has launched a service offering customers a £500 PC computer in return for signing up to the company's high-speed broadband account.
Technology Troubles Set Off Tirades CRM Daily
Jesse Berrett thought he was getting a bargain when he ordered high-speed Internet and phone service from his Internet service provider in September. What he got instead was customer-support hell. After he received a modem and plugged it in, Internet service worked sporadically, and crackling sounds marred the phone line, says Berrett. Since then, he has pleaded with support workers, yelled,
Delete all the temporary Internet files to restore hot links in e-mail messages San Jose Mercury News
Q I am running Windows XP and use Outlook Express for e-mail, but I can no longer get the hot links to work in e-mail messages I get. It happened some months ago, after Microsoft did an automatic update (for what I do not know). Moving my mouse to an underlined hot link in e-mails does absolutely nothing. If it is a Web site address, I can copy and paste it into Internet Explorer and access it
Agilysys Reports Unaudited Fiscal 2007 Second-Quarter Results SYS-CON Media
Agilysys, Inc. , a leading provider of enterprise computer technology solutions, today announced fiscal 2007 unaudited second-quarter and first-half results for the periods ended September 30, 2006.
Coping with Data Centers in Crisis BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance
Surging Internet traffic and rising energy costs are forcing companies to overhaul the way they design and run computer facilities
$13 million provides jolt for Chicago-based VoIP provider Chicago Sun-Times
BridgePort Communications, the Chicago developer of software that merges Internet and mobile phone services, has received an infusion of $13 million from its current investors, boosting investment in the company since 2004 to $51 million.
Hackers hijack Wikipedia page to spread malware IT Observer
Security company Sophos has reminded computer users to be wary of unsolicited emails and believing everything they read on the internet, after hackers took advantage of the popular Wikipedia encyclopedia in their attempt to spread malicious code.
AppOne Partners with First Advantage CREDCO The Auto Channel
BATON ROUGE, La.--AppOne, an Internet-based company that connects independent auto dealers with lenders, announced a strategic alliance with First Advantage CREDCO, a provider of specialty credit reports to the mortgage, consumer finance and automotive industries.
Agistix Selects Netli to Accelerate Global Logistics Application Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.----Netli®, the fastest growing global service provider for accelerating applications and content over the Internet, today announced that they had been selected by Agistix to accelerate its award-winning on-demand logistics and shipping management application.
meebo Inc. Enters into a New Phase Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PALO ALTO, Calif.----meebo Inc., the popular web-based Instant Messaging provider, today announced that the company has entered into its next phase of development by formally moving out of alpha into its "full release" mode. meebo is a web-based instant messaging service that allows users to access all of their IM buddies from any computer with a web browser, anytime, anywhere.

Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Aziende: Internet
AuroraWeb - [Potenza] Un internet provider della Basilicata presenta i propri Biar - Propone servizi per diventare virtual internet service provider.
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Aziende: Internet
AFP - [Dronero, CN] L'Internet Service Provider a cura dell'Azienda Formazione Professionale per tutta la Valle Maira e la Valle Grana.
Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Aziende
Internet provider della città di Prato. Notizie e informazioni sui profili tariffari. Vira è un internet provider di telefonia VoIP e connettività xDsl.
Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Aziende
Presentazione dell'Internet provider e dei propri servizi. Internet provider della città di Prato. Notizie e informazioni sui profili tariffari.
NETSERVICE internet service provider Senigallia - Home
Netservice si propone alle Piccole e Medie Imprese come partner globale per le nuove tecnologie con servizi e-business, commercio elettronico,

Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Aziende
Presentazione dell'Internet provider e dei propri servizi. Internet provider della città di Prato. Notizie e informazioni sui profili tariffari.
Directory Web di Google - World > Italiano > Computer > Aziende
Internet provider torinese che offre connessioni analogiche ed Isdn oltre [Massa, MC] Internet provider che si occupa anche della realizzazione di siti
NETSERVICE internet service provider Senigallia - Home
Netservice si propone alle Piccole e Medie Imprese come partner globale per le nuove tecnologie con servizi e-business, commercio elettronico,
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Aziende: Internet
AFP - [Dronero, CN] L'Internet Service Provider a cura dell'Azienda Formazione Professionale per tutta la Valle Maira e la Valle Grana.
S.I.For Informatici Formativi - Internet Provider - Servizi
INTERNET PROVIDER SERVIZI INFORMATICI E FORMATIVI Computer, Internet e area di utilizzo. HARDWARE. L’Alimentatore.
Libero Ricerca directory: Italiano > Computer > Aziende > Internet
[Vicenza] Provider di Montecchio Maggiore, offre realizzazioni di commercio elettronico, Seven Provider Accesso ad internet con pstn, isdn, adsl e hdsl.
SIIOS Internet Provider e Web agency: sviluppo software web
SIIOS Internet Service Provider. Web agency: Progettazione e sviluppo di software e Dato che questi computer fanno parte della "ragnatela" del web,
Graff net internet provider hardware web e-business intranet rete
Graff net C+S Computer software internet provider web hardware e-business intranet rete email server affi ibm cs esa epson 3com.
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