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Retailers hope for Merry e-tail The Times of Northwest Indiana
Jonathan Wolter is a very active participant in a fast-growing holiday trend. The Fort Wayne software engineer will be one of many consumers glued to their computer screens when shopping for gifts this season.
Linux software a computer operating system for the people PhysOrg
The popular free Linux computer operating system being co-opted by corporate technology titans was born of a Finnish university student and a group devoted to no-cost software.
Google's next frontier: Ads in U.S. newspapers International Herald Tribune
In a move into the old- fashioned business of ink on paper, Google is going to start selling advertisements that will appear in the print editions of 50 major U.S. newspapers.
Newspapers to Test Plan to Sell Ads on Google New York Times
The three-month test may open up new revenue to hurting papers, but would risk making Google even stronger.
PC prices fall with Vista delayed until January Sun-Sentinel
For personal computer makers, the new year can't come soon enough. Until then, the normally healthy holiday season might look like a going-out-of-business sale.
Japan's Softbank halts orders for new handsets Reuters via Yahoo! Asia News
TOKYO, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Softbank Corp. , the smallest of Japan's three big mobile phone operators, said on Monday it temporarily stopped accepting orders from users for free handsets under a sales promotion because it could not handle the volume of requests.
For a family, drug raid went terribly wrong The Florida Times-Union
AMELIA ISLAND - At the end of a dead-end dirt road in this quiet oceanside community, wind flutters through the leaves of trees standing so close they could have seen everything that happened. Cheryl Ann Stillwell spent her final days here in solitude, but not in peace. By the time narcotics investigators broke down her front door and shot her to death, the 41-year-old computer engineer was out
Google to branch out into newspaper ads: NYT Kyodo via Yahoo! Asia News
_ Major U.S. Internet search engine operator Google Inc. will start selling advertisements that will appear in the print editions of 50 major U.S. newspapers, the New York Times reported Monday.
In Tomorrow's Paper EdmontonSun.com
'Dome Disease' at City Hall. Read more in Doug Beazley's column. Stab-proof vests for doormen and better use of a computer system to track offenders could be good ideas to beef up security in city bars.
Eco-friendly hotel opens amid cheers The Reporter
Commerce and conservation meet head-on in American Canyon's new "green hotel." The developer of the eco-friendly Gaia Napa Valley - named after the Greek term for Mother Earth - is the only hotel on the West Coast to meet the U.S. Green Building Council's requirement for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification.

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