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Woz highlights celebration of Apple's history ZDNet
Hundreds flock to Computer History Museum to hear Steve Wozniak and other early Apple employees tell insider stories.
Woz details 'Apple in the garage' MacNN
Apple co-founder Steve 'Woz' Wozniak and three Apple I team members gathered on Saturday at the Computer History Museum in front of several hundred attendees for a discussion called 'Apple in the Garage' to celebrate Apple's 30th anniversary. Steve Wozniak, Randy Wigginton (Apple employee No. 6), Chris Espinosa (Apple employee No. 8), and original
Water cooler EETimes
What's the latest and greatest news heard around the water cooler?
It's Your Choice Sierra Times
Too many times in too many elections, most of us have felt forced to cast our votes for the lesser evil. It seems that all too often a candidate representing the greater good just didn't exist. Unfortunately, even when such candidates do exist, we find reasons not to vote for them.
The joy of Scrabble Belfast Telegraph
To most of us it is a pleasant way to while away an evening - But to the contestants at yesterday's annual championships, the board game is more like a way of life.
HOLLY column Bridgeton News
Good morning! After a great weekend, it's hard to believe the weather is going to get better. Would you believe 65 or higher by mid-week? Is this the mild November leading into mild December?
Word perfect: The joy of Scrabble Independent
It was shortly after 2pm yesterday in a brightly lit basement auditorium when the arcane boardgame banter among a group of 30 or so people, united by their devotion to Scrabble, was interrupted.
Lost children: The 60 boys and girls who have vanished Independent
The swing is empty. The roundabout is turning but there is nobody on it. You call out, but there is no reply. You shout louder. Nothing. You scream a name and people turn to stare. They see panic. "Help me," you think, but who can you trust? Who has taken your child? You feel sick, helpless, tiny, unable to move.
45-mph couch potatoes Bonita Daily News
The dogs are spindly — all legs and ribs, long muscles and bumpy veins, like a topographical map of a running machine. Two greyhounds on leashes.
Jeff Bezos' Risky Bet BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! News
It was one of the Web's typical flash frenzies, a gaggle of geeks seeking the new, new thing. At 2 a.m. on Aug. 24, a new venture called Elastic Compute Cloud quietly launched in test mode. Its service: cheap, raw computing power that could be tapped on demand over the Internet just like electricity. In less than five hours, hundreds of programmers, hoping to use the service to power their

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