The Importance of being UTF-8
He's running DasBlog and saw "Casa d Hambone" - note the missing é. I knew/know that this works fine in DasBlog because it's been internationalized since Day 1 - we've got 14 languages out of the box. He sent me his site.config file
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Recap - Ugly Betty recap - The Bunny and the Box
Betty arrives at Mode, all smiles, carrying a box of doo-dads to personalize her desk. she's lingering at the computer, narrowing her image till it vanishes. Back at casa Suarez, her nephew Justin pores over The Book like some
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Loc on SFSF 30 & 31 Jean Martin & Chris Garcia, eds.
Great art in here, and good to see the renfaire at Casa de Fruta. Chris, did you get to this event? Aw, man, you didn’t get to this one? I’ve tried and tried, and even found a fix…and I still can’t access YouTube on my computer.
Monday Madness - Holidays
I have one file box which houses all the manuals. 4. Do you clip coupons for groceries? If so, do you remember to use them? If not, why? Do you play any computer games on a regular basis? If so, which is your favorite, and why?
L’epoca della Convergenza ei Nuovi Diritti digitali
Ma questa Internet non viaggia più solo sullo schermo del computer di casa o dell’ufficio. Ogni terminale diventa un computer, con chip e software di nuova generazione o con l’aiuto di un set top box che funziona da decoder del segnale
Pictures for Mike
I managed not to get up until 8:30 which is pretty much unheard of at Casa Hartman. dropped off the cat’s new automatic litter box (stay tuned for a review). reels in my office as well as the box my last computer case came in.
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La casa multimediale di ADPM
BOX 1: sguardo tecnico. I primi prototipi facevano uso di software in MS-DOS e "giravano" su computer piccoli (386). Le prospettive aperte dal multimediale
News - AVM: Le Soluzioni Voice Over IP - Fritz!Box Fon - Adesso
vi consente di ricevere le chiamate direttamente al numero telefonico di casa! Box Fon può connettere uno o più computer al vostro accesso ADSL.
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le apparecchiature sensibili della casa : computer,. impianti stereo, videoregistratori, televisori. Protection Box: da 1 a 8. prese, ideale per…
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di ricevere le chiamate direttamente al numero telefonico di casa! FRITZ!Box Fon ata Box Fon può connettere uno o più computer. al vostro accesso ADSL.
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