Can he turn Dell into a cool brand? CNET
newsmaker Product design chief John Medica has a big job ahead--jazzing up Dell's image with computers that capture the public's imagination.
MSN Out of Download Game antiMUSIC
(music.tinfoil) Two years after opening its MSN Music store to compete with Apple Computer's iTunes, Microsoft plans to stop selling downloads from the site, CNET has learned.
'Second Life' land prices get hefty hikes COMMUNICATION ZDNet India
In a bid to get into the black, "Second Life" publisher Linden Lab has unveiled a new pricing structure for private islands in the virtual world. Asia desperately seeking IT talent BUSINESS Hiring expectations have fallen this quarter but job prospects remain rosy, so much as that recruiters are finding it difficult to fill IT positions, according to latest findings from human resources agency
Toss the Sharpie: Printers give home DVDs a professional look Pioneer Press
I've archived my personal life on DVD for years, yet this hobby never gets old. I'm thrilled I can use a computer to record my home movies and photos onto DVDs, which play just as gracefully in my DVD player as the Hollywood DVDs I buy in stores. Photo slide shows and video sequences look fantastic, especially on a big-screen TV.
Keep that iMac up to date on anti-virus software Seattle Times
A reader writes: "I'm considering purchasing my first Apple iMac computer, the type that can run both Apple software and Windows"
Technology troubles set off tantrums, tears and tirades USA Today
The tussle to tame technology is not new. Consumers are fumbling through thick manuals, holding on customer-support phone lines, searching for tech experts or driving themselves mad. They're also losing patience, sleep and tempers, says a survey of 2,551 Americans, released today.
CBS names banker as new digital chief Reuters via Yahoo! News
CBS Corp. on Monday plans to announce it has appointed a Silicon Valley veteran and Internet deal maker as the president of a newly created interactive division, as the broadcaster seeks to reach new consumers on the Internet.
For electronics, holiday season may be more ho-hum than ho-ho USA Today
Even as two new video game consoles join the widening mix of televisions, cameras, portable music players, computers and cellphones, some market watchers say the electronics industry could be running up against a season that might be more ho-hum than ho-ho.
Analysts: Holiday Consumer-Electronic Sales May Not Be Jolly Fox News
Experts say DVD-format war, gaming-console war and Windows Vista delay all contribute to ho-hum mood among consumers.
SEC Chief, No `Cox in Henhouse,' Defies Skeptics Update2
Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) -- During more than 16 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, California Republican Christopher Cox was the quintessential conservative.
Apple Computer Inc.
Official site of Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were hand-built in the garage of Jobs' parents, [7] and the Apple I was first shown to the public at the Homebrew Computer Club.
The Apple Museum | Steve Jobs
Come presidente e CEO di Apple Computer Jobs si conferisce un salario annuo di 1 dollaro. Steve vive con la moglie e tre figli nei pressi della casa dove è
l'Unità online - Apple, 30 anni La terza mela che cambiò il mondo
Tanto che Steve Wozniak e Steve Jobs, che fondarono la Apple Computer il 1 aprile 1976, dovettero vendersi uno il furgoncino Volkswagen e l’altro un
Steve Jobs - Wikipédia
[úprava] ZaÄiatky Apple Computer. Vo veku 20 rokov Jobs presvedÄil Wozniaka, aby spolu založili spoloÄnosÅ¥ a zaÄali predávaÅ¥ poÄÃtaÄ, ktorý si Wozniak doma
Apple Computer Jobs
Explore Apple Computer jobs with these convenient links. Includes information about Apple Computer job interviews, benefits and company culture.
Apple Computer Jobs
Explore jobs at Apple Computer, Inc. Includes information about Apple Computer's job interviews, employee benefits and company culture.
Leopard, il futuro secondo Apple Steve Jobs presenta "Vista 2.0
<B>Leopard, il futuro secondo Apple<br>Steve Jobs presenta " Jobs ha di fatto dato l'addio al glorioso PowerMac, il computer per uso professionale ma