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Bush Is No Conservative
The lack of any connection to reality makes the neoconservative print media, such as the Weekly Standard, the Wall St Journal editorial page, and National Review so absurd as to be unreadable. The December 4 issue of National Review,
Shocker: New York Times Confirms Iraqi Nuclear Weapons Program
When I saw the headline on Drudge earlier tonight, that the New York Times had a big story coming out tomorrow that hadnbsp;something to do with Iraq . .
National Board of Review to Announce Tomorrow
Like them or not, the National Board of Review has (other than one very weird moment in 2001) been a good indicator of the general ballpark of the best pic nominees. Since 2001, the NBR has had at least four of the five best pic
Thoughts of a young paleo
What does it say when National Review Online is more relevant to so-called conservatives than National Review the magazine? Austin Bramwell also put it well in his recent American Conservative article: “Whatever its past accomplishments
Hanging Out with the BSG Folks and misc BSG babble
At National Review Podhoretz loved it. (Gotta be careful, the last time I posted a link to an NRO BSG article I started a fight in another state.) I just love seeing National Review posts pop up at TrekBBS or Whedonesque.
National Board of Review Predictions
The National Board of Review awards should be announced tomorrow, at which point award season for the 2006 film year officially kicks off. Related Tags: National Board of Review, NBR, The Queen, Adrianna Barraza, Babel, Daniel Craig
National Board of Review Predictions
Tomorrow, the National Board of Review officially kicks off the Oscar season with their annual awards. In the past, the NBR has been an excellent indicator of the Best Picture nominees. Usually, four out of five nominees can be found
Scientific Switch
Scientists want science to be religion. Maggie Gallagher comments on what she calls the quot;emerging religion of sciencequot; as discerned in a recen . .
National Board of Review Predictions 2006
Oh my, it's already time for the National Board of Review to declare their winners. Why do we place so much emphasis on the choices of this inconsequential, easily wined-and-dined voting body every single year?
What do National Review, Rich Lowry, and the AEI have to say about
But in National Review, Ledeen went further than that. But as Mona pointed out last night, Ledeen wrote a scathing August, 2002 article in National Review, For Ledeen to now deny in National Review that he ever supported the

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If you don’t want to be “spun” by the likes of Time, CNN, and The New York Times, give National Review a try TODAY!! Remember, the four issues and “The
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Jonah Goldberg on Iraq on National Review Online
Archive of the offbeat daily column of the National Review Online editor.
National Review - SourceWatch
The current director of the National Review is Jeff Sandefer, President of the National Review 215 Lexington Ave., Floor 4 New York, NY 10016
The Buzz on National Review Online
And of course thank National Review Online for giving me this opportunity. As much as I enjoy writing and reporting, it’s been the interaction with readers
The Editors on Terrorist Surveillance Program on National Review
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President Honors Buckley at 50th Anniversary of National Review
President Bush on Thursday said, "I'm glad to know that the people of National Review aren't resting on their laurels. A sign of a good leader is somebody
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