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All that heaven and earth allow San Francisco Bay Guardian
REVIEW Recently, in an Amish schoolhouse shooting, five girls were killed and five wounded by a man who was "angry with God" and haunted by thoughts of molestation.
Flu vaccine still available for residents Edison Sentinel
Mayor John E. McCormac announced that a supply of flu vaccine remains available to adult residents of the township through the Woodbridge Health & Human Services Department. The Woodbridge Health Center, located at 2 George Frederick Plaza, Woodbridge, is open 2-3 p.m. every Monday for walk-in patients wanting to get flu shots.
Talk About Travel Washington Post
Post travel editors and writers field questions and comments every Monday at 2 p.m. ET.
New Releases: Gwen, Ciara, Eminem's Mixtape, Black Eyed Peas & More MTV Music Television
Gwen Stefani's second solo affair drops this week, as do Eminem's Re-Up and new releases from Ciara, Black Eyed Peas, Slipknot, Lil Scrappy and more.
The essence of Buddhism Daily News
BUDDHISM : The Buddha's last words to the bhikkhus, before his parinibbana, were: "Now monks, I declare to you: all conditioned things are of a nature to decay, work out your salvation without delay.' (Vayadhamma sankhara, appamadena samapadetha).
Ray Charles Really Did Have That Swing: Musical Acousticians Reveal Precise Timing In Classic Science Daily
Ray Charles was really good at snapping, says musical acoustician Kenneth Lindsay of Southern Oregon University in Ashland. Charles's snaps that open his famous song "Fever" with Natalie Cole are timed so well that he is never more than five milliseconds off the tight beat, a new study shows.
The bubbly issue / Easy-to-fix nibbles that go with sparklers San Francisco Chronicle
It is the most spontaneous response this season: To fly through a store on the way to a party and pick up a bottle of bubbly. The reason? To celebrate the holidays and the family and friends who will be at the get-together -- whether it's two people or
TV show fuels interest in ballroom dancing The Daily Comet
All eyes follow them, the couple on the dance floor who know what they're doing. There they go, gliding around the room, knocking off a fox trot (slow, slow, quick, quick) or a waltz (one, two, three one, two, three) and making it look so easy.
Breathe in the joys of the season Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
'Tis the season to be jolly. Not somber or crabby. If you don't feel jolly as you prepare for the coming holidays,
ZUMBA ROCKS The Columbus Dispatch
DAYTON — Add a dollop of salsa and a dash of calypso to a slice of merengue. Stir the mix to pulsating Latin music for a confection called Zumba, a dance-aerobics workout that is leaving sweat-soaked exercisers clamoring for more.
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