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Basic Practice Series: Clean Water Act
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Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Future of Clean Water Act Murky
In early 2006, more than 50 briefs were submitted to the Supreme Court in connection with two cases challenging the federal government’s authority to regulate streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act (CWA). At issue in Rapanos v.
The EPA's Efforts to Increase Animal Feedlot Regulations Face a
The EPA’s 2003 regulations stated that Clean Water Act permits would simply require CAFOs to develop and implement nutrient management plans. Congress may need to amend the Clean Water Act to give the EPA the authority to implement
Bob the Shoemaker & the Clean Water Act
Now if you think that this story sounds outrageous, welcome to agriculture in Ontario, and the new Clean Water Act (Bill 43) that was passed by the Ontario government on Oct 18th. (See previous posting by Rural, "Safe Drinking Water
Layton calls for Clean Water Act
OTTAWA – In the wake of a Sierra Legal Defence Fund report on the dire state of Canada’s drinking water, Jack Layton today strengthened the NDP's call for a Clean Water Act to protect the health of Canadian and Aboriginal communities
Group Decries EPA Decision To Exempt Pesticides from Clean Water
EPA has announced its decision to exempt pesticides from the Clean Water Act (CWA) and was immediately criticized as studies suggest more protection is needed from pesticides, not less
PESTICIDES: EPA exempts most water applications from Clean Water
US EPA finalized a rule today that largely exempts pesticide applications to or near water under the Clean Water Act
WATER: Dem takeover could mean effort to reform Clean Water Act
is expected to take the helm of the powerful Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. The panel could take up legislation concerning the Clean Water Act or the long-stalled Water Resources Development Act if it is not taken up this
Diane Kindermann Henderson to Teach Class on Clean Water Act
Diane Kindermann Henderson, with Diane Moore of Moore Biological Consultants, will be teaching a class entitled "Clean Water Act Section 404: Nationwide and Other Specialized Permits" for the North State Building Industry Association.
Plains Justice to Open Office in Iowa City
Iowa water and air quality are significantly affected by CAFO development and operation. Plains Justice uses its expertise in Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act law to evaluate compliance of the state's CAFOs and work with operators to

Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act (CWA), formerly known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, intended to ". . .restore and maintain the chemical, physical,
Clean Water Action
A national citizens' organization working for clean, safe, and affordable water, and prevention of health-threatening pollution.
Clean Water Act: A Summary of the Law
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or Clean Water Act. Originally IB89102, Implementing the Clean Water Act. Table 1 shows the original enactment
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
SECTION 404 OF THE CLEAN WATER ACT monitor, enter, and require reports to at least the same extent as required in section 308 of this Act.
Federal Wetland Regulations and Clean Water Act Legislation
Clean Water Act Legislation and Federal Wetland Regulations.
Federal Wetland Regulations_Clean Water Act Section 404
Save the Clean Water Act Home
Few Americans believe that the Clean Water Act should be weakened to allow more sewage in our waters. We hope that you will co-sponsor the Save Our Waters
Reach of Clean Water Act Is at Issue in 2 Supreme Court Cases
More than half of the nation's streams and wetlands could be removed from federal protection if the court supports developers' claims that the government
The Clean Water Network: Home
The Clean Water Network (CWN) is an alliance of more than 1000 public interest organizations around Scope of the Clean Water Act · Coastal Protection
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act)
The 1977 amendments, the Clean Water Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-217), again extensively amended the Act. Of particular significance were the following provisions: act+clean+water: act+clean+water
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