0. Home Page | 1. St Anthony's
Basilica | 2. Prato della Valle | 3. Scrovegni's Chapel | 4. Caffe' Pedrocchi...
... 5. Observatory | 6.
della Ragione | 7. Antenore's Square |
8. Cathedral | 9.
dei Signori | 10 Ghetto ...
... 11. University | 12.
The Walls | 13. The Gates | 14. The Bridges | 15.
Old Padua | 16. Other and more | 17. Links.
"So, while being far away, my dear Padua, I can see you!"
1. ST. ANTHONY's BASILICA (Santo Church)
4. CAFFE' PEDROCCHI (Coffee House)
Home Page | 1. St Anthony's Basilica | 2. Prato della Valle | 3.
Scrovegni's Chapel | 4. Caffe' Pedrocchi...
... 5. Astronomic Observatory | 6. Palazzo della Ragione | 7. Antenore's Square | 8.
Cathedral | 9. Piazza dei Signori | 10 Ghetto ...
... 11. University | 12.
The Walls | 13. The Gates | 14. The Bridges | 15.
Old Padua | 16. Other and more | 17. Links.
Home Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17