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Cookie company sees red in Ohio Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio – Clara was being good. The 3-year-old had just left a mall photo studio with her dad, Craig Orr. He told his daughter she had earned a treat, and just then she spotted a sweets shop that glowed red. She pointed. Dad willingly complied, and a Mrs. Fields cookie was soon in Clara’s tiny hand.
Yummy recipes feature whole grains Detroit Free Press
P.J. Hamel has spent the past year undoing the damage of the 1970s. That's when the nascent natural foods movement embraced whole grains -- and left everyone horrified. White bread America just wasn't ready for cookies that tasted like cardboard and breads with the specific gravity of lead.
Midwest Messenger Midwest Messenger
Midwest Messenger is delivered to over 183,000 rural families in Nebraska and parts of Wyoming, Colorado and Iowa. Farmers spend more time reading Midwest Messenger than any other ag publication in their region.
Chocolaty dessert helps lift kids' lunches beyond the ordinary The Columbus Dispatch
When we were young, we knew what was in our lunchbox: peanut butter and jelly or ham sandwiches. Our mother was a wonderful cook, but the lunches lacked interest. She just didn’t give them much thought.
When football teams hit the road, move the party around the TV Lancaster News
You don't have to be at the game to tailgate. With the Clemson and University of South Carolina football teams on the road this Saturday, it's the perfect time to get together with friends for an indoor tailgate party around the TV.
Senior centers and home-delivered meals Scranton Times-Tribune
Monday: sliced ham with pineapple, au gratin potatoes, diced carrots, white bread, applesauce. Tuesday: pierogies with butter and onions, cut green beans, peach halves with cottage cheese, rye bread, chocolate chip cookies.
Scones BellaOnline
Scones are a first cousin to biscuits and are best served warm, with butter and your favorite preserve. Take care not to overwork the dough.
Area farm operations on 14-stop weekend tour Mirror
The second annual Kaw Valley Farm Tour this weekend will feature several area farming operations. And the lineup offers opportunities to learn a lot about all types of farming.
Labels don’t always tell 100% of story Times Leader
Just because a food is better than an alternative doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you.
Spicy Caraway Cookies The Star Online
Sift both types of flour into a mixing bowl. Add in chilli powder, pepper, salt, caraway seeds and castor sugar to mix.

How to Make White Chocolate Chunk Cookies - eHow.com
Make White Chocolate Chunk Cookies These cookies are for the white chocolate fan. (Be a little cautious when serving them to confirmed chocoholics - 'real'
Pumpkin Pecan White Chocolate Cookies - All Recipes - Cookie
Sort of cake-like, pumpkin cookies with pecans and white chocolate chips.
White Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies - All Recipes - Cookie
The reverse Chocolate Chip cookie. Rich dark chocolate with white chocolate chips.
Macadamia Nut And White Chocolate Cookies recipe -
Macadamia Nut And White Chocolate Cookies recipe. Recipe from RecipeLand.com. Find thousands of recipes in our huge recipe database.
Cooks.com - Recipes - White Chocolate Cookies
Results 1 - 10 of 800 for white chocolate cookies. WHITE CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT COOKIES: Sift dry ingredients and set aside. Add other ingredients.

White Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies All Recipes Cookie
The reverse Chocolate Chip cookie. Rich dark chocolate with white chocolate chips.
Macadamia Nut And White Chocolate Cookies recipe -
Macadamia Nut And White Chocolate Cookies recipe. Recipe from RecipeLand.com. Find thousands of recipes in our huge recipe database.
Cooks.com Recipes White Chocolate Cookies
Resul 1 10 of 800 for white chocolate cookies. WHITE CHOCOLATE MACADAMIA NUT COOKIES: Sift dry ingredien and set aside. Add other ingredien.
Chocolate Recipes Home Cooking
Although technically not chocolate, white chocolate recipes are also included here. White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies • White Chocolate Orange Cake
bakingsheet: White Chocolate Cookies with Chocolate Chips
White Chocolate Cookies with Chocolate Chips (from Mrs Fields Best Cookie Book Ever ) 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 p baking soda 1/4 p salt
Barrage of white chocolate blas chocolate cookies recipes
'Barrage of white chocolate blas chocolate cookies recipes Chefs of the West Column' from Sunset in Home & Garden provided free by LookSmart Find
eBay: Homemade Macadamia Nut and White Chocolate Cookies (item
Find Homemade Macadamia Nut and White Chocolate Cookies in the Home Garden , Food Wine , Cookies Biscotti category on eBay.
etherfarm: Mandible / Oatmeal, Cranberry, and White Chocolate Cookies
This was originally an oatmeal-raisin cookie recipe. Raisin, schmaisin. These are damn good if you make them with dried cranberries and white chocolate

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