Many wedding traditions feature different confections NorthJersey.com
The food just kept coming at Motrja Fedorko's wedding six years ago. Dinner, drinks, sweets and then, at midnight, another snack: kielbasa, sauerkraut and bread, to sustain the guests through their next four hours of dancing.
View from Aurora Church festival puts a baker in hot seat The Beacon News
Fall Festival happens every year at New England Congregational Church. It is a time to kick off the Sunday School season and bring in new members.
Kaui's blossoming lotus natural attraction Daily Bulletin
KAPAA, Hawaii - If you stay in Kauai long enough, you'll hear locals talk about the power of Hawaii's oldest island. There's a sense of wisdom and spirituality in the soil, and it makes its way into the lush, abundant produce grown here.
Pucker up The Herald News
Di Ana Ford spends her days surrounded by temptations that smell and taste like chocolate mousse, buttercream frosting and pina colada. Yet, the Naperville business owner doesn't have to worry about calories if she indulges.
Sweet Masterpiece The Oregonian
Theatergoers have a new night spot tempting them after performances. Sweet Masterpiece has opened in the Pearl District, less than a block from the newly renovated Gerding Theater at the Armory, which opens this weekend as the new home for Portland Center Stage.
What’s cooking? Bramble House Albany Democrat-Herald
BROWNSVILLE — Penny Bridgman has spent most of her life cooking for others nn 15 years in Alaska and another 6½ years in Junction City. Bridgman has now built a community gathering spot upon her culinary expertise.
Zodiac serves quirky menu choices with kitsch Baltimore Sun
The Mailbox The Sacramento Bee
La Bou's lemon grass dressing
:: Metro Pulse Online :: Metro Pulse
Tomato Head and Sunspot, two of Knoxville’s most tofu-friendly restaurants, are setting up second locations in downtown Maryville. Is this a plus? It’s more convenient. When I first came here, there were few restaurants that sold tofu.
Healthy snacks do exist South Bend Tribune
You may have seen a button or bumper sticker reading "Life is Short. Eat Dessert First." I proudly displayed this axiom on my car for a decade or so. No truer words have been spoken. Life is short (and probably would have gotten even shorter if I hadn't cut back on the candy bars, cake and cookies).
vegan village
Delicious vegan chocolate cake, uses soya marg and soya milk, bicarb of soda and plenty of dairy-free chocolate!. Christmas Cake
vegan chocolate cake
Fat free yummy Vegan Chocolate Cake. Ingredients. 50 grams of Green and Blacks cocoa 150 grams Organic Self Raising Flour 150 grams Organic brown sugar
Absurdly Easy Chocolate Cake
Absurdly Easy Chocolate Cake. Not only is this recipe easy, it also happens to be vegan (no animal products used). Thanks to Daniel S. for the metric
The Chocolate Room - vegan chocolate listings and recipes
A variety of recipes using vegan chocolate for cake, truffles, crunchies, and even an non-edible chocolate bubble bath.
Vegan Recipes - Vegan Chocolate Cake
Comprehensive resource for raising vegan children, including pregnancy, vegan recipes, expert advice, book reviews, product reviews, message board,
Absurdly Easy Chocolate Cake
Absurdly Easy Chocolate Cake. Not only is this recipe easy, it also happens to be vegan (no produc used). Thanks to Daniel S. for the metric
The Chocolate Room vegan chocolate listings and recipes
A variety of recipes using vegan chocolate for cake, truffles, crunchies, and even an non-edible chocolate bu bath.
Vegan Recipes Vegan Chocolate Cake
Comprehensive resource for raising vegan ren, including pregnancy, vegan recipes, expert advice, book reviews, product reviews, message board,
Junk Vegan
Chocolate cream icing. 255g/8oz icing sugar, sieved 55g/2oz vegan margarine cocoa powder to taste. Filling. strawberry jam. Chocolate cake
Perfect vegan chocolate cake? Vegan Represent
Perfect vegan chocolate cake? Recipes & Techniques.
Vegan Chocolate Cake Non-dairy Desser Eat Healthy
This chocolate cake might be the easiest cake in the world to make – and is the most versatile as well. No eggs or dairy make it cholesterol- and
Vegan Chocolate Cake@Everything2.com
Without further adieu, we bring you the Tofuless Vegan Chocolate Cake This cake is the closest I've ever gotten to chocolate without dairy or eggs.
bake a vegan chocolate cake on 43 Things
Joe E. Lewis. RSS 2.0 button (What is RSS?) First added to perhapstoopink's list. bake a vegan chocolate cake. People doing this:. perhapstoopink. Berlin