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If you don’t count it, it’s still a calorie The State
If you eat a hunk of chocolate cake in the dark and nobody is there to see you do it, do the calories still count?
Make-A-Wish, Cold Stone serve up scoops of wishes Sedona Red Rock News
On Thursday, Sept. 28, between the hours of 5 and 8 p.m., people lined up outside the doors of the Cold Stone Creamery at Sedona’s Shops at Piñon Pointe and Camp Verde’s Hwy. 260 locations to taste the latest ice cream craze.
Terrapin: Out of its Shell Port Folio Weekly
New York Times article recently about many of Manhattan’s newest restaurants being copies of empire-expanding chefs’ eateries elsewhere. The next night I went to dinner at Terrapin , a stunning, new Virginia Beach white-tablecloth restaurant, so intimate some liken it to a sophisticated cocktail party.
View from Aurora Church festival puts a baker in hot seat The Beacon News
Fall Festival happens every year at New England Congregational Church. It is a time to kick off the Sunday School season and bring in new members.
Eat This! Las Vegas CityLife
Eat This! is a list of recommended restaurants based on reviews by current and former CityLife critics. If you know of an establishment worthy of inclusion, contact Listings Editor Bev Bryan at 702-871-6780 ext. 309 or listings@lvcitylife.com . Restaurants occasionally switch locations or close on short notice, so please call before visiting.
Family Calendar Montgomery Advertiser
The following are family events in the tri-county area:
Schools want parents to send angel's food, not devil's food for treats Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Not so long ago, classroom parties and birthday celebrations were a cinch for most elementary school parents. If you had the time and inclination, you whipped up a batch of cupcakes or cookies for the Birthday Girl or Boy to pass out to classmates.
How to outwit grocery-store marketers Miami Herald
Shopping at the supermarket is a chore, a necessary domestic task that occurs sometime between busy and not-as busy. At some point, however, grocery shopping also became complicated and overwhelming: It shouldn't take 10 minutes to decide which box of microwave popcorn to buy. It shouldn't require a math degree to figure out which permutation of toilet paper brand, style and packaging is the best
EPC Homecoming The Prairie Advocate
Lanark Chamber of Commerce and Eastland-Pearl City high schools encourage the public to visit Lanark Sept. 28-30 to help celebrate Lanark's Hometown Days and Homecoming festivities.
A-plus lunch York Daily Record
Sep 27, 2006 — Emmy Salasa knows that her 9- and 10-year-old stepchildren like to be independent, so when it comes to packing their lunches, they have choices.

CocoaJava - Sugar Free Chocolate Web Links
They use gourmet ingredients including sugar-free chocolate chips and premium seedless raisins. Be sure to try their delicous Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip
Amazon.com: Sugar Free Belgian Dark Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food
Amazon.com: Sugar Free Belgian Dark Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food.
Amazon.com: Sugar-Free Semisweet Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food
Amazon.com: Sugar-Free Semisweet Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food.
Kosher.com - kosher bakery, kosher grocery, your everything kosher
Grocery Store / Baking & Cooking / Chocolate & Choc. Chips Chocolate Chips - Sugar Free. ^Chocolate Chips - Sugar Free, Sugar free Pareve
Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
Our sugar free cookies are vegan and cholesterol free.

Amazon.com: Sugar-Free Semisweet Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food
Amazon.com: Sugar-Free Semisweet Chocolate Chips: Gourmet Food.
Kosher.com - kosher bakery, kosher grocery, your everything kosher
Grocery Store / Baking & Cooking / Chocolate & Choc. Chips Chocolate Chips - Sugar Free. ^Chocolate Chips - Sugar Free, Sugar free Pareve
Sugar-Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
Our sugar free cookies are vegan and cholesterol free.
Diabetic & Sugar Free Cookies & Chocolate Chips - Includes Josephs
Discount Diabetic Cookies including Joseph's S/F Chocolate Chip, Murray S/F Chocolate Chip w/Pecans, Murray S/F Oatmeal Cookies, Murray Sugar Free Double
Eat Well, Be Well Sugar Free Chocolate Chips
Mini Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips Sugar Free Mini Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Our sugar-free Chocolate Chips not only taste great, they are also an
I.ATE.A.PIE.NET: Healthy 'Diet' Food Reviews
TastyKake Sensables Tastykake Sensables is a new sugar-free line of snacks from TastyKake. I tried the chocolate chocolate chip cookie bar, but they also
2lb. Sugar Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Don't run, and certainly don't hide. David's Cookies Sugar-Free Cookies are remarkably different from every other sugar-free cookie you may have tried.
Sugar-Free Oatmeal Cookies made with Splenda | No sugar added
Sugar-free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. oatmeal cookies with splenda. Our healthy, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are made with Splenda and no sugar

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