Book reviews for July 7, 2006: "In Plain Sight," C.J. Box; "The Hard Way," Lee Child; "The Book of the Dead," Douglas The Davis Enterprise
Published Jul 07, 2006 - 14:52:59 CDT. This month's column begins with two entirely different kinds of champion. C.J. Box's Joe Pickett represents the common man in “In Plain Sight†while, in “The Hard Way,†Lee Child's Jack Reacher epitomizes the human extraordinaire.
Reflections of Faith: Compassion proves we care Gaylord Herald Times
In his article “Voice of Compassion,†appearing this week in the e-zine “Heart Touchers,†well-known author and speaker Steve Goodier describes a bitterly cold January, 1935 night in New York City when then Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia dismissed a judge in the city's poorest ward and presided over night court himself.
You can help Petoskey News-Register
If your organization needs volunteers or donated items, write Debbie McGuiness at the Petoskey News-Review, P.O. Box 528, Petoskey, Mich., 49770, or send an e-mail to dmcguiness@petoskeynews.com Because of the large number of requests, we will only publish your listing twice.
CALENDAR The Leaf Chronicle
The Calendar is a daily listing of community meetings and events. To submit a listing for your governmental or not-for-profit group's event, send it to us at "Community Calendar" P.O. Box 31029, Clarksville, TN 37040, by e-mail at news@theleafchronicle.com or by fax to 552-5859. Include a contact name and phone number.
Bush campaigning amid GOP woes MSNBC
President Bush tried to focus voters on the fight against terror Tuesday and away from the ethics questions that are making the Republican election campaign difficult this year.
Summary box: Lottery-Ethics Fayetteville Observer
CHIEF EXECUTIVE: An attorney for Kevin Geddings said he intends to call Gov. Mike Easley as a a witness when the ex-lottery commissioner gets to present evidence in his federal fraud trial. That could come as soon as Tuesday, lawyer Thomas Manning said.
The newsletter of Volunteering New Zealand Scoop.co.nz
IAVE President to speak at VNZ AGM Liz Burns, who has just been re-elected unopposed as World President of the International Association for Volunteer Effort, will be the guest speaker at the Annual General Meeting of Volunteering New Zealand to be held in Wellington on 20 November.
King of krump Baltimore Sun
Tommy 'The Clown' Johnson brings the manic style of West Coast street dancing to the Strathmore As he danced on street corners and at kiddie parties throughout South Central Los Angeles outfitted in a Crayola-yellow jumpsuit and a mammoth rainbow Afro wig, his face painted white and adorned with crude drawings of red balloons, Tommy Johnson had no idea he was starting a "movement."
Mother of Columbine victim speaks out against school violence The Norman Transcript
Box info: Each month the students of Longfellow Middle School are asked to sign a pledge reflecting the the
Bush campaigns amid GOP woes USA Today
President Bush, on a campaign swing in the West, is arguing the Democratic Party is weak-kneed on national security and shouldn't be trusted to hold the reins of Congress. "They think the best way to protect the American people is, wait until we're attacked again," he said.
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