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Adam Hanft: Jew-In-A-Box Kit, My New Year's Present to Senator Allen HuffingtonPost
Dear Senator Allen: First, let me wish you a happy New Year, your first new year as a belated member of our world-controlling tribe. Whether you acknowledged it by fasting or chowing down on another ham sandwich is between you and your creator, and/or your campaign consultants - assuming there's a difference. I can imagine your brain is spinning like a dreidel in a FEMA simulation. Little
Japan director fights to get out of father's shadow Reuters via Yahoo! News
Fans of Japan's distinctive style of full-length animated films gave a standing ovation at this year's Venice Film Festival to the latest movie from Japan's famed Studio Ghibli.
Arts Calendar Rapid City Journal
To get your event listed in the Arts Calendar, e-mail the information to barbara.badwound@rapidcityjournal.com or mail to: Arts Calendar, Rapid City Journal, P.O. Box 450, Rapid City, SD 57709. Include the phone number of a contact person. Submissions will not be taken over the phone.
Conference day at-a-glance BBC News
All you need to know about Wednesday at the Conservative Party conference, in Bournemouth.
Banks' $7 Billion Tax-Exempt Bond Ruse Yields Nothing for Needy Bloomberg.com
Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Pastor Willie Williams frowns as he approaches a 10-foot-high concrete wall that's topped by spirals of barbed wire. On a steamy August morning in Pensacola, Florida, he's entering the Oakwood Terrace apartments for low-income residents.
Brazil won't let pilots go New York Daily News
The pilots credited with safely landing a corporate plane that clipped a doomed Brazilian jetliner are Long Islanders who were hailed as heroes by their passengers - but treated like possible villains by authorities.
Brazil to vote in shadow of scandal International Herald Tribune
With yet another ethics and corruption scandal lapping at President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's door, Brazilians will be asked to decide Sunday whether he is worthy of a second term.
Yankees Notebook: A-Rod gets cheers but does little The Star-Ledger
NEW YORK -- They stood, they clapped, they yelled, and for a full 10 or 15 seconds more than 50,000 Yankees fans practically begged Alex Rodriguez to rise to the occasion this October.
What's in interest of justice doesn't tip scales of fairness Baltimore Sun
The whisper campaign started almost as soon as news broke that federal agents had raided the home of former Orioles pitcher Jason Grimsley and a document existed that included the names of current and former major league players who may have been involved with steroids, human growth hormone and amphetamines.
It's No Fun Living in the Shadow of Blue Ridge RedNova
By Eric Stark, Stark Ravings Turkey giveaway How far will you go for better cable? How about moving? When you buy a house, you are stuck with the cable company in that area. I can switch cell phone providers.

Shadowboxcabaret.com - Columbus,OH - Newport,KY - Shadowbox, the
The half-hour program features original sketches and music. Includes news, air schedule, and information on being in the studio audience.
Shadow Box anthology
The majority of profits from Shadow Box will be donated to Mission Australia to help continue Shadow Box is proudly supported by Shadowed Realms magazine.
MySpace Profile - 3RD CULTURE, NEW YORK, New York, US, Turn it UP!
Shadowbox Studios
Shadowbox Studios is a corporate communications and project management consultancy. Shadowbox Studios is proudly powered by WordPress
Shadow Box - Products for Shadow Box - Manufacturers,Exporters
Shadow Box Manufacturers,Exporters,Suppliers,Traders,Companies,Factories at Alibaba.com, the world's largest online base of suppliers and importers.

MySpace Profile - 3RD CULTURE, NEW YORK, New York, US, Turn it UP!
Shadowbox Studios
Shadowbox Studios is a corporate communications and project management consultancy. Shadowbox Studios is proudly powered by WordPress
Shadow Box - Products for Shadow Box - Manufacturers,Exporters
Shadow Box Manufacturers,Exporters,Suppliers,Traders,Companies,Factories at Alibaba.com, the world's largest online base of suppliers and importers.
Instructions for making a custom shadow box
Making a custom shadow box, to protect and display your collectibles is simple with these instuctions.
Wall Shadow Boxes at MSN Shopping
Wall Shadow Boxes: Product information, price comparisons and user reviews and ratings for Wall Shadow Boxes.
Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - The Shadowbox
In a shadowbox theatre, the light is coming from behind the screen. By placing a puppet between the light and the screen, the shadow of the puppet is cast
Shadow Box Construction
Describes a backyard high temperature composter for kitchen and yard waste.
Cristofer, Michael: The Shadow Box
Summary, The setting for "The Shadow Box" is three cottages on the grounds of a large hospital. Here, three tales unfold, at first serially,

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