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Some Phones Are Just, Well, Phones New York Times
Basic cellphones line up for a Simplicity Derby, but are they efficient?
Microsoft Shines Light on New Keyboards, Mice RedNova
By SEATTLE TIMES Microsoft's newest keyboards are acting more like remote controls.
Sony Ericsson P990i All About Symbian
Rafe is the first on the AAS team to acquire the Sony Ericsson P990i - here's his appraisal of this much-anticipated flagship smartphone.
Microsoft rigs Zune with tricky pricing and proprietary money schemes Mac Daily News
"Largely unnoticed in the [Microsoft 30GB Zune for US$249.99, 99-cents more than a 30GB Apple iPod] pricing announcement last week was this little tidbit about how consumers might pay for Zune music.
Bidding war erupts for Military Cross Warrnambool Standard
A WORLD War I Military Cross won by a Warrnambool man is fetching thousands of dollars in an eBay auction. The bravery medal was awarded to Lieutenant Adam Bruce Mackay, a native of Warrnambool who was killed in action, aged 32, in France in 1918.
Google’s experimental search site Searchmash Pandia
Google is testing new approaches to Internet searching with alternative search engine site.
First Look: Kubuntu Edgy Eft Beta Independent Online
For a bleeding-edge release, Edgy Eft Beta delivers the goods. We might even go so far as to call it "polished". Ubuntu seems back on form after Dapper.
A9 Search Embraces Live Features WebProNews
The partnership between and Microsoft for search services has led to a massive overhaul of the functionality for, the search engine operated by Amazon. Hugs All Around! A9 Reveals New Features A9 gained a cleaner interface and continuous result scrolling while saying goodbye to its toolbar and several other programs, the site announced
A9 Search Embraces Live Features WebProNews
The partnership between and Microsoft for search services has led to a massive overhaul of the functionality for, the search engine operated by Amazon. A9 gained a cleaner interface and continuous result scrolling while saying goodbye to its toolbar and several other programs, the site announced recently. Features that competed with similar services to Microsoft look
Ad Agencies -- How to Make Your Web Site Appeal to Type A Executives Despite the Flash
Note: Comments are lightly moderated. We post all without editing as long as they are (a) related to the topic at hand, (b) do not contain offensive content and (c) not an overt sales pitch for your company's own products/services.

::: - Version 2.5 - MySpace Profile Creator, Editor
Scrolling Box Generator. ScrollBox Options Enter the text here to appear in your scrollbox. Type <br /> for a new line. (You can also put HTML in here)
::: - Version 2.5 - MySpace Profile Creator, Editor
This code will create a scroll-box for you, often known as a DIV. <div style="overflow:auto;width:200px All the contents of the scrollbox go in here!
Widgetbox › RSS Scroll Box web widget reviews
Add up to three RSS feeds, they scroll up the page. This version is supported by a small ad. Go to for more configuration
Unofficial Myspace Help Site
Name to Image Fixed!! Name to Symbol · Comment Box · Picture Comment in Bulletin · Whore Me/Train Gen · Overlapping Text NOW WORKING!! Scroll Box
HTML Scroll Box - HTMLforums – Free Webmaster HTML Help and offers free HTML and web development help to webmasters, web developers and small business owners.

Widgetbox › RSS Scroll Box web widget reviews
Add up to three RSS feeds, they scroll up the page. This version is supported by a small ad. Go to for more configuration
Unofficial Myspace Help Site
Name to Image Fixed!! Name to Symbol · Comment Box · Picture Comment in Bulletin · Whore Me/Train Gen · Overlapping Text NOW WORKING!! Scroll Box
HTML Scroll Box - HTMLforums – Free Webmaster HTML Help and offers free HTML and web development help to webmasters, web developers and small business owners.
Myspace Layouts, Myspace Codes, Myspace Generators
Home > Myspace Generators > Pictures in a Scroll Box Generator. For best results, it is recommended that you first edit all of your images and make them the
PimpWebpage - html tutorials for your webpage
The following code creates a scroll box with a background picture of your choice. Be sure to replace where it says "URL HERE" with a valid image URL.
Scroll Box Buddy - Scrolling News Box Generator and Content
Scroll Box Buddy allows you to make changes to the content of a scroll With Scroll Box Buddy you'll not only be able to manage an unlimited number
Free scroll box software by FreeSoft411 and others
free scroll box at Free Downloads Center Instead of using a scroll bar, you can activate MouseImp and scroll by moving the mouse up or down anywhere in
Scrolling HTML Basics, Part III: Positioning A Scroll Box - www
There are many ways to position a scroll box. You can position it in absolute coordinates, but the desired location may change because of an ad put at the

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