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'Cold Mountain' author promotes new book AP via Yahoo! News
"Cold Mountain" author Charles Frazier said the Cherokee Indians were a natural subject for his second novel because their history surrounded him as a youth.
Mountain pine beetles killing S.D. trees AP via Yahoo! News
Large colonies of mountain pine beetles have become established in the central Black Hills, and officials estimate that about 2 million trees have been lost in the last two years.
Video: Wayne Coyne on "Pancake Mountain" Pitchfork
Forget the backstage schmoozing and drinking you were raised with, and head over to " Pancake Mountain ", where the grass actually is greener on the other side (to accommodate hungry goats, of course) and Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne is always down for a good round of karaoke.
Battle Mountain spikers sweep Vail Daily
EAGLE-VAIL — Battle Mountain volleyball defeated Eagle Valley Tuesday night, and it was a little bit sad for the Huskies? “It’s nice because it was our last time playing them,” Battle Mountain outside hitter Crystin Rodrick said. “It’s the last time we get to play our rival school.
Squirrel traps are up but not active in Mountain View San Jose Mercury News
The city of Mountain View has not begun trapping and killing the squirrels at Cuesta Park that have scratched and bitten as many as six people since May, Mountain View Community Services Director David Muela said today.
Squirrel traps are up but not active in Mountain View San Jose Mercury News
The city of Mountain View has not begun trapping and killing the squirrels at Cuesta Park that have scratched and bit as many as six people since May, Mountain View Community Services Director David Muela said today.
Annie Proulx's beautiful, delicate short story "Brokeback Mountain," which first appeared to wide acclaim in The New Yorker in 1997, has been transformed into a beautiful, delicate movie under the masterly direction of Ang Lee. It's also a landmark in cinema, a groundbreaking picture with the power to touch a general audience the way the more didactic Philadelphia did in 1993. The film dares
Boujeh mountain in Khomein attracts many tourists Islamic Republic News Agency
Iran - Khomein - Tourism Boujeh (Boujeh Soltan) mountain to the south of the provincial city of Khomein in central Iran is famous not for its physical magnitude, but for the cultural features of its people.
Eagle Mountain's computer crisis Provo Daily Herald
The latest Eagle Mountain tiff doesn't involve padded resumés or faked kidnappings. Instead, it's all about , hard drives and politics. At a recent City Council meeting, Mayor Brian Olsen asked council members to hand over their city-issued laptop computers for a graphy audit.
Squirrels Traps Set, But Not Active In Mountain View Park KRXI-TV Reno
MOUNTAIN VIEW -- The city of Mountain View has not begun trapping and killing the squirrels at Cuesta Park that have scratched and bit as many as six people since May, Mountain View Community Services Director David Muela said Tuesday.

MountainZone.com Skiing, Snowboarding, Everest, Mountain Biking
A source for mountain related activity. Stories, cybercasts, multimedia, photos and coverage of mountain sports.
Rocky Mountain Institute--Home Page
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) is an entrepreneurial nonprofit organization that fosters the efficient and restorative use of natural, human and other
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Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Brokeback Mountain - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,
103.7 The Mountain KMTT
Eclectic rock format from Seattle. Live feed through the StreamAudio.com player.

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Mountain - Leslie West Mystic Fire
Mountain is celebrating their 35th Anniversary. Leslie West, Corky Laing, Mountain is currently recording the new tribute album of Bob Dylan tunes with
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Brokeback Mountain - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,
103.7 The Mountain KMTT
Eclectic rock format from Seattle. Live feed through the StreamAudio.com player.
Rocky Mountain News
Daily paper with local and world news, sports, classifieds, and entertainment servicing the greater Denver area.
Grandfather Mountain
Scenic travel attraction and an International Biosphere Reserve. The highest peak in the Blue Ridge range, Grandfather is famous for its inspiring vistas,
Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia
Peakware is the web's preimier mountain and mountaineering resource, featuring descriptions, photos, maps, summit logs, guidebooks and more.
Mountain Forum: A Global Network for Mountain Communities
Mountain Forum website, mountain sustainable development discussion lists.

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