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AUTO RACING PACKAGE: Young Formula One drivers drink milk and are fast SportingNews.com
SHANGHAI, China -- One calls milk his favorite drink. Another has a champion's blood running through
SAN FRANCISCO / 3 artists in finals to sculpt Harvey Milk San Francisco Chronicle
Three artists have been selected as finalists to carve a bust of Harvey Milk, the San Francisco supervisor who was assassinated in office in 1978 by former Supervisor Dan White. The bust is to be on permanent display in City Hall beginning in 2008.
Young Formula One drivers drink milk and are fast San Diego Union-Tribune
SHANGHAI, China, 9:52 a.m. Oct. 4 (AP): One calls milk his favorite drink. Another has a champion's blood running through his veins. A third has put Poland on the Formula One map. And the fourth is trying to put the United States back on the Formula One map.
Breast babies are smarter, but it might not be the milk KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. Paul
Babies who are breast fed are smarter than those aren't - but it's not the nutrients in a mother's milk which makes them
Pasta Product Recalled Over Undeclared Milk WNBC
ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J. -- Unilever, in cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration, is voluntarily recalling batches of its "Knorr-Lipton Pasta Sides Chicken -- Fettucini in a Savory Chicken Flavored Sauce" product because it may contain undeclared milk.
Milk tanker crashes into Lyons shop, killing driver The Bryan-College Station Eagle
A runaway milk tanker truck wiped out the back side of a Burleson County antique shop Tuesday, marking the second time in a year that the business has been destroyed.
Mother's milk 'only food for babies' ITV.com
New mothers should give their babies only breast milk for the first six months of the infant's life, according to new Government recommendations.
Egg producer expanding into milk, fruit juice Otago Daily Times
The country’s largest egg producer has added milk and fruit juice to its stable of retail products.
Flavoured camel milk hits the Middle East Food Navigator
04/10/2006 - The launch of a date-flavoured Camel milk drink could strengthen the development of this product as a viable segment of the global dairy industry.
Study finds mother's milk has little or no effect on IQ Guardian Unlimited
Study finds mother's milk has little or no effect on IQ, and that a baby's brainpower 'more a matter of inheritance'.

The dairy council all about dairy products
Information on milk, cheese and other dairy products, and educational information for children.
Got Milk? Recipes, contests, gifts and news
Buy Got Milk? gear, goodies and gifts.
MooMilk -- A dynamic adventure into the dairy industry -- Cow
Fun and educational site about cows and milk with facts, games, recipes, contests and merchandise.
The Story of Milk -- From the Cow on the Farm to You, Moo
How does milk get from the cow to you? Learn about what cows eat and everything they do on the farm.
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Professional organization of Dairy farmers. Site offers information about milk nutrition, education, services and dairy farming.
milk.audio. + music. design. people. radio.
milk.audio.com + music. design. people.
Remember The Milk
"Remember The Milk is here to save us from ourselves". The Sydney Morning Herald So signup, start playing, and discover Remember The Milk.

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