Watching great pitchers is like graduate study SportingNews.com
When I watch a pitcher like Chris Carpenter, it's as if school is in session.
AOL's New OpenRide Allows Users To Multi-task Like Never Before SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Jonathan Liss submits: Excerpt from our One-Page Annotated News Summary: AOL to get a software makeover Summary: Starting today, America Online [AOL ] is offering a new service called OpenRide in an attempt to stem the tide of users who abandoned the company for free email providing counterparts like Yahoo and Gmail .
Gun that Looks Like Toy Shoots Real Bullets 1010 WINS New York
Law enforcement officials are watching for a small gun that looks like a toy gun but shoots real bullets.
Arranging flowers like the pros WABC-TV New York
THIS MORNING: Bringing more beauty into your life can be as easy as arranging a floral display. But doing it like the pros can be tricky.
'Mush behaving like an ostrich over Kargil' The Times of India
Musharraf is 'behaving ostrich-like' by calling 1999 Kargil operations 'a landmark' when it was 'the worst debacle' a superseded army colleague said.
Exterminate terrorists like pests Delta Democrat Times
How to win the war on terrorism: A primer for the President. The United States needs to adopt a new policy to win the war on terrorism. Instead of making war against the terrorists we should simply eradicate them like pests.
Vegetables, Like People, Urged to Live Up to Potential AgNews
COLLEGE STATION – Carrots may be underachievers. Healthy and good for one's eyes, yes, but they could be so much more, researchers say. A major stress in a carrot's life – like the slash of a kitchen knife – and the tapered tuber kicks in the juice and pumps up its phytochemicals.
Canadians around the majors make impact in 2006 like never before Canadian Press via Yahoo! News
(CP) - This has been a season like no other for Canadians in baseball.
Herenton says Memphis neighborhoods like Iraq WREG-TV Memphis
MEMPHIS, Tenn. Memphis mayor Willie Herenton said today the city's neighborhoods are like Iraq because of crime.
What Would An iPhone Look Like? Forbes
Everyone seems sure that Steve Jobs and Apple plan to roll out a phone. Specifics are another matter.
I like : happy to be a part of the industry of human happiness
Little piece of web fluff with pictures and commentary about books, films, design, and other good stuff.
Talk Like A Pirate Day - September 19
Welcome to the one and only, official, accept-no-substitutes Talk Like A Pirate Day Talk Like A Pirate Day is an original concept created in a moment of
We Like The Moon - the Spongmonkeys try and cash in on the kittens
rathergood.com | forum | download mp3 | shop Subscribe to receive updates from rathergood.com and our band, 7 Seconds Of Love. Name: E-mail:
Unix-like - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "Unix-like" operating system is one that behaves in a manner similar to a Unix system, Diagram of the relationships between several Unix-like systems
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
Bend It Like Beckham - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,
We Like The Moon the Spongmonkeys try and cash in on the kittens
rathergood.com | forum | download mp3 | shop Subscribe to receive updates from rathergood.com and our band, 7 Seconds Of Love. Name: E-mail:
Unix-like Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "Unix-like" operating system is one that behaves in a manner similar to a Unix system, Diagram of the relationships between several Unix-like systems
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
Bend It Like Beckham Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Commen, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site,
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Talk Like a Pirate Day only comes once a year (on September 19th), next year it falls on a Wednesday. If you’re not ready yet, you can learn more about this
Conversations: Mr. Open Source Sues IT@Cork
I took your comment down, not because I didn't like it, but because you choose to be anonymous. If you choose to stop hiding in the shadow and identify
People Like Us
For 16 years Vicki Bennett has been making CDs, radio, and A/V multimedia under the name People Like Us. Ever since she has been animating and
Like Anna Karina's Sweater
Film and culture blog with a focus on non-mainstream topics.
Bend it Like Beckham
The official website of the winning comedy from Fox Searchlight Pictures includes the trailer, c and cool downloads.