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The wait for Lola is well worth it The Plain Dealer
5body/K1%> As you probably well know, Lola opened the week be fore last. It was nearly a year to the day from the original opening date, but owners Michael and Liz Symon are just happy they no longer have to listen to whines about why the opening is taking so long.
Wine delis pair expertise, matching food and drink The Oregonian
M ost of us do our everyday wine shopping either hurriedly at the grocery store or less hurriedly at a wine store. But neither venue is perfect.
Heartfelt Egyptian cooking, with touches from a family repertoire, warms the spirit. Sydney Morning Herald
Heartfelt Egyptian cooking, with touches from a family repertoire, warms the spirit. -
Dining Guide The Times of Northwest Indiana
Popular, casual spot with a cozy bar and busy dining room. Fresh seafood is what this place is about, with lake perch and frog legs in starring roles. There also is stuffed shrimp with crabmeat and excellent sea scallops among the seafood offerings.
Blue Ribbons Result in Green RedNova
By Lorie Hutson, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash. Sep. 27--There were more than blue ribbons to be had at the Spokane Interstate Fair this year. For some lucky entrants, their prize-winning recipes also received a cash reward.
Taking the Bait Richmond.com
Our restaurant critic couldn't wait to check out Pescados Seafood Restaurant. But how did the local favorite measure up?
Menus for 9/25/06 The Enid News & Eagle
Wheatheart Nutrition Project serves a hot noon meal each weekday. Meal sites are Southern Heights, 5th and Wabash, and Open Door Community Center, 125 S. Main, Waukomis.
Public paying for sister city dinner that 'happens' to be on Guerin's birthday North County Times
ENCINITAS -- Mayor Christy Guerin is hosting an invitation-only dinner party for a sister city delegation from Japan, with taxpayers footing much of the bill.
Maisonette ditches the wacky menu for something far more successful and satisfying. The Age
Maisonette ditches the wacky menu for something far more successful and satisfying. -
Dining out: More than java abrew in Ossian Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
School is back in session, and parents everywhere are rejoicing. I couldn’t help but think of that during my recent visits to Brew Ha Espresso Cafe in Ossian because it just seemed like a perfect place for those liberated parents to convene for breakfast, lunch or just a good cup of coffee and a sweet or two.

Chocolate Zucchini Cake I - All Recipes - Cake
This cake can be frozen for up to 6 months. To make sour milk, mix 1/2 cup milk with 2 teaspoons lemon juice and let stand 10 minutes.
Chocolate Zucchini Cake III - All Recipes - Cake
This is a moist fudgy type cake. Sweet but not extremely sweet and makes good use of zucchini! You can frost it with chocolate frosting or cream cheese
RecipeSource: Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Recipe uses 2 cups of zucchini and also sour milk.
Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipe
This chocolate zucchini cake is made with shredded zucchini, chopped pecans, cocoa, cinnamon, buttermilk, eggs, and oil, along with other ingredients.
Chocolate & Zucchini: Is My Blog Burning? Chocolate & Zucchini Cake
However, I never heard of a *chocolate* zucchini cake - what a great idea! If you liked the chocolate zucchini cake (one of my favorites growing up),

RecipeSource: Chocolate Zucchini Cake
Recipe uses 2 cups of zucchini and also sour milk.
Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipe
This chocolate zucchini cake is made with shredded zucchini, chopped pecans, cocoa, cinnamon, buttermilk, eggs, and oil, along with other ingredients.
Chocolate & Zucchini: Is My Blog Burning? Chocolate & Zucchini Cake
However, I never heard of a *chocolate* zucchini cake - what a great idea! If you liked the chocolate zucchini cake (one of my favorites growing up),
Chocolate zucchini cake recipe
This uniquely flavored chocolate zucchini cake will soon become a favorite recipe for chocolate lovers.
CHOCOLATE ZUCCHINI CAKE Recipe at Epicurious.com
Search more than 18000 recipes, including the latest from Gourmet and Bon Appétit magazines, famous chefs, and cookbook authors.
Recipe Cake Chocolate Zucchini Bread Internet Cookbook
Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipe on the Internet Cookbook.
Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipes like Chocolate Chip Cake With
Chocolate Zucchini Cake Recipes like Chocolate Chip Cake With Zucchini Recipe, Chocolate Chip Zucchini Cake Recipe, Chocolate Nut.
chocolate zucchini cake recipe | chocolate cake recipes
chocolate cake recipes from the chocolate inn, including our chocolate zucchini cake recipe.

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  • chocolate
  • zucchini
  • cake
