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SwampThings: ?
Update: May possibly be a slime mold of the genus Stemonitis. Seems to most closely fit the description of Stemonitis splendens, aka Chocolate Tube Slime,
Museum of Dust: The Garden :: Slime Molds
As slime molds flow over and engulf their food, they ingest it. Japanese lantern, bubble gum, spaghetti, red raspberry, chocolate tube, and tapioca.
fungi web.xls
Chocolate-tube Slime Mold. Stereum. complicatum. Crowded parchment fungus. Stereum. hirsutum. Hairy parchment fungus. Stropharia. rugoso-annulata. Wine-cap
Comments: Chocolate tube slime look like brown hairs growing on wood. While not fungi, slime molds often form spore-bearing structures that resemble those
What's for Dessert? - Study Starters - DiscoverySchool.com
Some slime molds have surprisingly appetizing names: carnival candy slime, chocolate tube slime, pretzel slime, red raspberry slime, and scrambled egg slime
fungi web.xls
Chocolate-tube Slime Mold. Stereum. complicatum. Crowded parchment fungus. Stereum. hirsutum. Hairy parchment fungus. Stropharia. rugoso-annulata. Wine-cap
Comments: Chocolate tube slime look like brown hairs growing on wood. While not fungi, slime molds often form spore-bearing structures that resemble those
What's for Dessert? - Study Starters - DiscoverySchool.com
Some slime molds have surprisingly appetizing names: carnival candy slime, chocolate tube slime, pretzel slime, red raspberry slime, and scrambled egg slime
Sam's Corner, Fourth Quarter of 2004
Hal Bonner brought a magnificent brown slime mold, Stemonitis splendens, called chocolate tube. Most species of Stemonitis start life as a white amoeboid
Sam's Corner, Fourth Quarter of 2002
Five years ago we found a log 10' long in Gardiner, totally covered by this remarkable slime mold. Stemonitis is called chocolate tubes.
Last Sunday's trip was a success in all departments. First, in
Slime Molds: Dog Vomit Slime Mold (Fuligo septica) Chocolate Tube Slime Mold (Stemonitis splendens) sporangia Wolf's Milk Slime Mold (Lycogala epidendrum)
Protoctista of Roosevelt (Currently Limited to Myxomycetes)
How to know the true slime molds. (Wm. C. Brown, Dubuque). viii+132 pp. Katsaros, P. 1989. A handbook of slime molds. (Timber Press, Portland). 183 pp.
Wildwood Fungi
Painted Suillus, Suillus picta. Shaggy-stalked Bolete, Boletellus betula. Slime molds. Chocolate Tube Slime Mold, Stemonitis splendens