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85 Banana Muffin Recipes - 9,199 Fruit recipes. - 142,972 recipes in
85 different Banana Muffin Recipes. Each banana muffin recipe has an ingredient listing, preparation instructions and a printer-friendly version. Part of our
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Recipes from Aunt Ada's recipe files. Most recipes were hand written on recipe cards and some were cut out of newspapers, magazines, labels, and boxes and
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61 Muffin Recipes - 4,639 Chocolate recipes. - 142,972 recipes in total.
61 different Muffin Recipes. Each muffin recipe has an ingredient listing, preparation instructions and a printer-friendly version. Part of our extensive
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Recipes for all kinds of baked goods. Enjoy one of our gourmet recipes for, bread, biscuits, corn bread, muffins Green Chili-Cheese Butter">Cumin Cornmeal
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The Culinary Café is an informative cooking site where only the best recipes are available in a handpicked searchable recipe archive. The Culinary Café has

Muffin Recipe - Recipe for Orange and Chocolate Muffins
Two tone muffins with chocolate and orange batters marbled in this muffin recipe. Chocolate and vanilla muffins.
Cooks Recipes | Recipes for Chocolate Muffin Recipes at
Your online source for recipes for chocolate muffin recipes.
Free Recipes | Muffins: Choc--Double Chocolate Muffins
Thousands of great free recipes and cooking information. Search by keyword & ingredient. Add recipes. Create cookbooks and recipe web sites.
Easy Muffin, Muffin Recipes, Fruit Muffins, Chocolate Muffins
Easy Muffin, Muffin Recipes, Fruit Muffins, Chocolate Muffins, Cinnamon Muffins, Cheese Muffins.
Cooks.com - Recipes - Chocolate Muffin
The Best Quick Breads: 150 Recipes for Muffins, Scones, Shortcakes, Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Spread loaf pans or in muffin cups,

Free Recipes | Muffins: Choc--Double Chocolate Muffins
Thousands of great free recipes and cooking information. Search by keyword & ingredient. Add recipes. Create cookbooks and recipe web sites.
Easy Muffin, Muffin Recipes, Fruit Muffins, Chocolate Muffins
Easy Muffin, Muffin Recipes, Fruit Muffins, Chocolate Muffins, Cinnamon Muffins, Cheese Muffins.
Cooks.com - Recipes - Chocolate Muffin
The Best Quick Breads: 150 Recipes for Muffins, Scones, Shortcakes, Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Spread loaf pans or in muffin cups,
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Our collection contains a variety of muffin recipes. including our chocolate muffins recipe.
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chocolate-muffins recipe. Date: Tue, 31 Jan 95 09:01:17 PST From: Linda Luke (luke@honeydew.cc.wwu.edu) Chocolate muffins Heat oven to 400 degrees 1 1/2
Two Great Muffin Recipes from Chocolatier
from our Breakfast Recipe Archives, new recipes, muffins, muffin recipes, White Chocolate Muffins with CHeesecake Filling, Double Fudge Brownie Muffins from
Banana Muffin Recipes like Banana Biscuits Recipe, Banana
Banana Chocolate Muffins Recipe · Banana Chocolate Muffins recipe rating (7 reviews) Serves/Makes: 1 dozen Prep/Cook Time: < 30 minutes Difficulty: 3/5
Banana Chocolate Muffins Recipe | Banana Muffin Recipes
A recipe for Banana Chocolate Muffins - | Banana Muffin Recipes , baking powder flour sugar cocoa mashed banana milk oil egg, beaten semi-sweet chocolate

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