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Houston Chronicle Computing Column: Chocolate Cell Phone More Snack Than Meal RedNova
By Dwight Silverman, Houston Chronicle Oct. 3--There are two schools of thought on what makes a good handheld device. Consumer electronics nirvana is either one gadget that takes care of all your digital needs, or a specialized gizmo that does one thing very, very well.
The Ten Best MP3 players Belfast Telegraph
If you just want great sounds from a tiny player, then look no further. This 27-gram MP3 can store 500 songs and last 20 hours on one AAA battery.
Zune Won't Kill the IPod Wired News
Microsoft's new MP3 player has a lot going against it, even without the iPod around. It's not cool, the DRM will be a pain and wireless sharing is just another way for people to lie to strangers. Commentary by Leander Kahney.
This Is Constantine Maroulis. He Wishes You Knew That. The Village Voice
In which an American Idol runner-up tops it all by blow-drying his chest (By Angela Ashman)
Phone News: Sony Ericsson Announces Four New Phones! PDA Buyer's Guide
Sony Ericsson today announced four new phones, to extend the reach of its global product portfolio and meet a number of specific regional market needs. Three models, the Z558, and W830 and W958c Walkman phones are optimised for China
Phone News: Motorola MOTOKRZR K1m Available on Verizon Wireless PDA Buyer's Guide
Motorola and Verizon Wireless today announced the availability of the sleek multimedia MOTOKRZR K1m. Offering a combination of luxurious style and Verizon Wireless' first-class multimedia features, MOTOKRZR K1m is the definitive handset for millions of customers who seek the
Jack White Contributes Five Cuts to Cold Mountain Soundtrack Pitchfork
Not since Alice Sebold's Lovely Bones has a book brought more tears to the eyes of middle-aged housewives and more scorn from the tongues of popular university critics than Charles Frazier's Civil War drama Cold Mountain . In the recent trend of Oprah Book Club-esque best sellers becoming mediocre feature films ( White Oleander , The House of Sand and Fog ) so will Cold Mountain hit the big
Calling All Media Players BusinessWeek Online via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance
There's a lot of competition for the iPod, but the only serious threat is the arrival of cell phones with built-in media players
Advanced Analogic Sinks on Customers' Woes AP via Yahoo! Finance
Shares of Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc., a maker of power management semiconductors used in consumer electronics, sank in midday trading on Thursday after an analyst speculated the company could stumble on one of its customers' woes.
The Swiss Army cell phone San Jose Mercury News
As a deep bass thumps in the background of a TV commercial, a rich voice describes a sleek device that seemingly offers everything, from simple calling to a mobile music player.

CHOCOLATE-MP3 PLAYER/CELL PHONE FOR VERIZON WIRELESS-LIKE BRAND NEW!!! last modified: Sat, 9 Sep 11:10 CDT. Avoid scams & fraud by dealing locally: (report
Verizon and LG release Chocolate phone, stop the madness - Engadget
Verizon has finally released LG's Chocolate phone, the VX8500. You can play mp3's from the phone. You do not have to convert them.
Yahoo! Auctions - LG KG800 - "White Chocolate" MP3 Cell Phone auction
LG KG800 - "White Chocolate" MP3 Cell Phone The LG KG800 is also known as the LG Chocolate & this is due to its luxurious & sleek design. The phone
LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone Review
Browse LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone reviews and offers on Amazon.Com The phone supports both WMA and MP3 music formats, has an expandable memory slot and
MP3 Phone
We classify a phone as being an MP3 phone when its feature set and We've all heard of the chocolate phone -- and we've all made the same joke about it

Yahoo! Auctions - LG KG800 - "White Chocolate" MP3 Cell Phone auction
LG KG800 - "White Chocolate" MP3 Cell Phone The LG KG800 is also known as the LG Chocolate & this is due to its luxurious & sleek design. The phone
LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone Review
Browse LG VX8500 Chocolate Phone reviews and offers on Amazon.Com The phone supports both WMA and MP3 music formats, has an expandable memory slot and
MP3 Phone
We classify a phone as being an MP3 phone when its feature set and We've all heard of the chocolate phone -- and we've all made the same joke about it
Find LG KG800 PINK CHOCOLATE MP3 CELLULAR PHONE UNLOCKED 128 in the Cell Phones , Phones Only category on eBay.
Find NEW LG KG800 UNLOCK CHOCOLATE BLACK MP3 GSM CELL PHONE in the Cell Phones , Phones Only category on eBay.
Verizon serves up Chocolate phone | CNET
LG and Verizon take a different marketing path, playing up the Chocolate not as a phone that plays music, but as a device that's "part MP3 player,
StormPay Auctions - Bluetooth Camera Pink Chocolate MP3 Cellular
Bluetooth Camera Pink Chocolate MP3 Cellular Phone UNLOCKED The LG KG800 is also known as the LG Chocolate & this is due to its luxurious & sleek design
ASU Web Devil - Chocolate cell phone semisweet
Electrical engineering sophomore Hans Meyer did not buy his Chocolate phone specifically for the MP3 capability, but rather for the product's "sleek design.

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