FOOD BRIEFS Richmond Times-Dispatch
Have a few extra cans of evaporated milk sitting around? Get on the Internet and check out www.thecookingmilk.com , a Nestle/Carnation site full of recipes, ideas and a contest. The recipes include what looks to be an absolutely delightful Pear Clafouti with Cardamom Custard Sauce.
Cupcake cavalcade South Bend Tribune
NEW YORK -- The cupcake is a classic, let's face it. An unsung favorite for eons, it has hit the culinary pop charts in recent years, even the art scene. The sugary little darlings have become big business, but they still retain their cozy place in our hearts.
'A Pinch of Salt' Whets Children's Appetites Westport-News
Cindy Hartog recently set a new stage for her career by combining her three passions: education, theater and cooking. In her new business, A Pinch of Salt, Hartog uses her educational and dramatic background to present cooking classes to children.
Oldies but goodies New Orleans Times-Picayune
"I love seeing all the old restaurant recipes -- Caribbean Room, Maylie's, Mosca's, Masson's, LeRuth's, etc. -- and new ones from Semolina's and more," writes M.R. from Old Jefferson. "I remember two special desserts."
Cup cakes on parade Latest crop of cupcakes runs gamut from classic to exotic Salisbury Post
NEW YORK — The cupcake is a classic, let's face it. An unsung favorite for eons, in recent years it has hit the culinary pop charts, even the art scene. The sugary little darlings have become big business, but they still retain their cozy place in our hearts.
Cupcakes are tasty, whether haute or homey The Herald-Tribune
NEW YORK -- The cupcake is a classic, let's face it. An unsung favorite for aeons, in recent years it has hit the culinary pop charts, even the art scene. The sugary little darlings have become big business, but they still retain their cozy place in our hearts.
Emergency water lasts indefinitely -- if stored right San Jose Mercury News
Q I have 14 gallons of bottled water I purchased last year to use in an emergency. How long is it good for? A The key factor here is how the water has been stored. The bottled water industry group advises consumers to store bottled water ``at room temperature (or cooler), out of direct sunlight, and away from solvents and chemicals such as gasoline, paint thinners and dry cleaning chemicals.''
Maisonette ditches the wacky menu for something far more successful and satisfying. The Age
Maisonette ditches the wacky menu for something far more successful and satisfying. -
Lilly's in full bloom The Daily News Tribune
Susan Sidiropoulos, co-owner of Lilly's Cafe & French Bakery, laughs with Bob Kaprielian during the grand re-opening of the cafe's new Arlington Street location on Sunday. Lilly's was one of seven businesses that were destroyed in a fire on Galen Street in Febrary 2005.
Lilly’s in full bloom Town Online
Despite the fire that burned their bakery to the ground more than a year ago, Susan and Alex Sidiropoulos of Lilly’s Café & French Bakery have every reason to believe that there is "A Time for Everything."
Cooks Recipes | Easy Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Easy Chocolate Mousse. 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips CooksRecipes.com, where you'll find Recipes for Every Cook! Main Recipe Categories:
Mess o' Mousse
The following recipe for chocolate mousse makes enough for six people. 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate 1 cup lukewarm water 1 cup of sugar 3 egg whites
Mousse Recipes - LoveToKnow Recipes
The mousse recipes collection at LoveToKnow offers over 26 delicious Chocolate mousse is by far the most popular, though it may be garnished in a number
Chocolate Mousse Recipes like 60 Second Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Chocolate Mousse Recipes like 60 Second Chocolate Mousse Recipe, Bitter Chocolate Mousse Recipe, Black Forest Chocolate.
CHOCOLATE MOUSSE Recipe at Epicurious.com
Search more than 18000 recipes, including the latest from Gourmet and Bon Appétit magazines, famous chefs, and cookbook authors.
Mousse Recipes - LoveToKnow Recipes
The mousse recipes collection at LoveToKnow offers over 26 delicious Chocolate mousse is by far the most popular, though it may be garnished in a number
Chocolate Mousse Recipes like 60 Second Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Chocolate Mousse Recipes like 60 Second Chocolate Mousse Recipe, Bitter Chocolate Mousse Recipe, Black Forest Chocolate.
CHOCOLATE MOUSSE Recipe at Epicurious.com
Search more than 18000 recipes, including the latest from Gourmet and Bon Appétit magazines, famous chefs, and cookbook authors.
Simply Recipes: Strawberry White Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Allrecipes | More Recipes Like This | The Best Ever Chocolate
With the easy pulse of an electric blender, this rich, brandy-enhanced chocolate mousse can be whipped up in a jiffy. Serve chilled. This recipe contains
Chocolate Dessert Recipes
Easy and Elegant Chocolate Mousse - Chocolate Mousse Recipe A chocolate mousse recipe, made with whipping cream, vanilla, gelatin, and cocoa.
Chocolate Mousse (Mousse au Chocolat)
With a few rare exceptions, all chocolate mousse recipes have two ingredients: The exact date of the first chocolate mousse recipe is unknown.
BBC - Food - Recipes - Chocolate mousse
Turn the mousse into four ramekins or glasses and chill until you are ready to eat them. Show me more dark chocolate recipes