Willy Wonka wanna-be Wisconsin State Journal
Slices of chocolate pizza. Syringes that squirt liquid chocolate into your mouth. Warm double chocolate fondue. Restaurateur Max Brenner's new chocolate bar off New York's Union Square, Chocolate By The Bald Man, caters for chocoholics of all ages.
Speed Bump Baltimore City Paper
THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS: Maryland State Trooper David Keller travels the state giving presentations on the dangers of methamphetamine. WAY OVER THE COUNTER: These common remedies contain pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in homemade meth.
Five CCES seniors attend leadership conference The Greenville News
Five Christ Church Episcopal Upper School seniors participated in a leadership conference hosted by Heathwood Hall in Columbia on Sept. 18. Senior class president Wells Timmons, Honor Council chairman Travis McElveen and student body officers Smyth McKissick, Julianna Ballard and Mary Elizabeth Watson met with other student leaders to discuss ideas and concerns in student leadership. The honor
County shelter to host kennel trials; six dogs available for adoption Southwest Iowa News
The Council Bluffs Kennel Club AKC Obedience and Rally trials will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Pottawattamie County Animal Shelter.
This Week Akron Beacon Journal
Wednesday The Women's Endowment Fund of the Akron Community Foundation will sponsor a forum to discuss issues of economic empowerment for women and safety and violence in women's lives from 7:30 a.m. to noon at the Jewish Community Center, White Pond Drive, Akron. Iinformation: Janet Kendall White at janetkwhite@sbcglobal.net.
Senior Centers Connecticut Post
Baldwin Center, 1000 W. Broad St., Stratford, 385-4050. Lunch available at 11:45 a.m. daily; call 377-4991. Daily: 9 a.m., CARES. Today: 9 a.m., Get Fit; 9:30, knitting, crocheting; 10, crafts, tai chi; 12:30 p.m., Italian, quilting, bingo; 2, Bereavement Support Group.
Berea High names students of the month The Greenville News
Berea Highʼs September students of the month are: freshman Leo Dendy, sophomore Tabitha Ivey, junior Vu Nguyen and senior Donald Ritter.
Greenville High sending students to Canada The Greenville News
Students selected to participate in Greenville High Schoolʼs Global Exchange Program will travel to Ottawa, Ontario, to visit the Canadian province and the Colonel By Secondary School, one of Canadaʼs top-rated high schools.
'LOST' degeneration NorthJersey.com
On a Thursday morning in August, on the fourth floor of the nearly deserted Science Hall at William Paterson University, Barry Smith stares into a DVX 100 camcorder and delivers a lengthy "Lost"-inspired "orientation" speech written for him by student filmmaker Jeff Heimbuch.
Dehydration is 'a real threat' to kids The Scotsman
SOFT drinks giant Coca-Cola has warned ministers that schoolchildren risk becoming "dehydrated" if all of their products are banned from Scottish schools.
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Chocolate Labrador Retrievers (Chocolate Labs) Breeder English Chocolate Lab Puppies California PUPS FOR SALE Champion Labs Breeders Pictures English Kenya
Labrador Retriever Puppies For Sale
Find Labrador Retriever puppies for sale from dog breeders in your area. Description: Addie Is A Beautiful Blocky English Chocolate Lab Puppy.
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Chocolate Labrador Retrievers and chocolate lab puppies for sale. Chocolate lab pups from champion field and hunting lines, bred to be intelligent family
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labs for sale. MINNESOTA. Piva, Debra - Country Inn Kennels. AKC Yellow, Black and Chocolate Lab puppies occasionally. Raised in our home and well
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Chocolate Labrador Retrievers and chocolate lab puppies for sale. Chocolate lab pups from champion field and hunting lines, bred to be intelligent family
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labs for sale. MINNESOTA. Piva, Debra - Country Inn Kennels. AKC Yellow, Black and Chocolate Lab puppies occasionally. Raised in our home and well
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links plus pictures of all three colors - Chocolate, Black and Yellow Labs. Labrador Retriever breeders with Labrador Retriever puppies for sale.
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Denizes Labradors
Labrador puppy for sale. From puppy to champion. British bred labs for gundogs and Labrador Puppy for sale - available in yellow, chocolate and black.
Chocolate Labradors of Exellent Bloodlines from Coppertone Labs in
These Chocolate Labs are registered through AKC, Continental Kennel Club, We will have a few select older LABRADORS FOR SALE, OWNED BY CHRISTINA LENO