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The Berkeley Daily Planet Berkeley Daily Planet
Two turkey hot dogs, Tater Tots, canned fruit and chocolate milk—that was what lunch meant for Berkeley public school students a year ago. FULL STORY
I want S'MORE Pantagraph
With a mouth full of graham crackers, melted marshmallow and warm chocolate, try asking for "some more." Some say that's how the gooey campfire treat was named.
Food allergies require vigilance at the table Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
When new parents contemplate how to protect their children from harm, they think about teaching them to avoid
Music Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Music listings are compiled by Duncan Scott Davidson. The music interns are Hayley Elisabeth Kaufman, Todd Lavoie, and Aaron Sankin. Since club life is unpredictable, it’s a good idea to call ahead to confirm bookings and hours. Prices are listed when provided to us.
Bravo!TM Brands First to Produce Eight-Ounce Vendable Milk That Meets ABA Guidelines PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Bravo! Foods International Corporation announces the production of Slammers® that meet the new American Beverage Association guidelines:
What's for lunch?: Freeport schools stay ahead of the hot lunch curve Freeport Journal
Ceiling fans whir quietly overhead in Dianne Madden' s sunlit classroom at Empire Elementary School in Freeport as she calls her first graders to the mat area and they gather excitedly to begin work on a new project.
Behind the Voting: Best Greek Tucson Weekly
Growing up in the '70s, the culture I experienced was pretty Americanized-- The Partridge Family on television, meat and potatoes for dinner and KISS on the radio. But when my family took the occasional trip out of state to see my Italian grandparents, I got a taste of Old World customs.
Music Listings San Francisco Bay Guardian
Music listings are compiled by Duncan Scott Davidson. The music interns are Hayley Kaufman, Todd Lavoie, and Aaron Sankin. Since club life is unpredictable, it’s a good idea to call ahead to confirm bookings and hours. Prices are listed when provided to us.
Iowa author mixes pop culture with poetry Le Mars Daily Sentinel
Did you know the trampoline was invented in Iowa? Or that "Ripley's Believe It or Not" lists Snake Alley in Burlington the "crooked-est street in the world?
Mark Kozelek Records Modest Mouse Covers Album Pitchfork
Usually, if you're going to do an album of covers, they're going to be standards-- Elvis, the Beatles, Sinatra, etc. Besides, it's not too often that someone releases an album comprised entirely of songs written by another artist, let alone an artist that has been music for less time than you have.

digg - Xbox Live captures kid's chocolate-milk induced tantrum
Xbox Live captures kid's chocolate-milk induced tantrum to bet that the parent ended up giving the brat his chocolate milk to get him to shut up.
I want a chocolate milk now! - Google Video
A child on xbox live goes berserk on his mother demanding chocolate milk. « Prev « Prev - Next video » Next video »
Chocolate Cow - DrGreene.com
Parents are often reluctant to let their children drink too much chocolate (or otherwise flavored) milk, concerned that this will give their kids too much
FamilyFun: What About Chocolate Milk? - and More Family Fun
Most kids, given the choice, will choose chocolate milk over regular. The good news is that, nutrionally, they are more similar than you might think.
Got Milk? - Kids in the Kitchen
Choco-Nana Milk Blast Cool down your kids with this simple, low-fat Choco-nana Milk Blast. Ingredients: 1 ripe medium banana 1 cup low-fat chocolate milk

Chocolate Cow - DrGreene.com
Parents are often reluctant to let their children drink too much chocolate (or otherwise flavored) milk, concerned that this will give their kids too much
FamilyFun: What About Chocolate Milk? - and More Family Fun
Most kids, given the choice, will choose chocolate milk over regular. The good news is that, nutrionally, they are more similar than you might think.
Got Milk? - Kids in the Kitchen
Choco-Nana Milk Blast Cool down your kids with this simple, low-fat Choco-nana Milk Blast. Ingredients: 1 ripe medium banana 1 cup low-fat chocolate milk
Here's a kid playing on some networked XBOX game (not sure which one) who is This kid is just asking to be beaten. Thanks to Kyle for the great video.
But It's A CLAN MATCH. Will Smith said it best parents just don't understand. Tags: argument, chocolate milk, clan match, funny, internet, kids, xbox
cdn_bacon's Videos - GameSpot
Where's My Chocolate Milk? Kid is argueing with his mom while he is playing on See, that kid is a brat because his parents could never go through with
Zooglobble: Review: Chocolate Milk - ScribbleMonster and His Pals
In the end, I can't recommend Chocolate Milk entirely because of the cartoonish voices, Review: The Amazing Adventures of Kid Astro - Ralph's World
YouTube - Chocolate Milk
I Want Some Motherf*cking Chocolate Milk! kipsmyhero (2 weeks ago). thats sad now i see where todays kids are goingto hell. (reply to this)

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