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Ice cream rivalry heats up Florida Today
Local independent ice cream retailers are taking on added challenges with the expansion of well-known franchises like Cold Stone Creamery, Marble Slab Creamery and Ben & Jerry's.
Long Strides toward a Cure New Bay Times
Gasping briefly, I tie a wet cold bandana around my neck. I head out for a training walk under the steady buzz of cicada, preparing for the Chesapeake Bay MS Challenge Walk. I leave before the real heat of the day sets in, with its unbidden promise of 100 degrees, and find the nearest shade.
BMO gives to Daffodil Society The West Elgin Chronicle
(back row) Kelly Oliveira, Luisa Lavandeira, Marlene Goos, Carena Long, (front row) Rebecca Byers presenting the cheque of $500 to Colin Kittmer (representative of the West Elgin Daffodil Society) . As a group we raised $500 ($300 from our annual yard sale and $200 from chocolate bar sales).
Chocolatiers shine in Valley with their thriving business The Arizona Republic
Louis Mirabella was putting himself through music school in Connecticut as a fine-dining waiter in the late 1980s and found himself growing more passionate about cooking and food. ''I wanted to do something in the industry but without the miserable restaurant hours,'' he said.
Weekend Hotlist: 9/21/06 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Halloween already? Now, that's a scary thought. But folks who flocked to Kennywood last weekend saw it coming with the Phantom looming out front and the game room being converted into a monster house.
How to plan the a successful Company Christmas Party Online Recruitment
1.Timing - Plan ahead, key dates at are fully booked months ahead. Do employees have to work the following day? 2. Venue - Again popular venues will be fully booked months ahead. Tourist attractions are fantastic locations often cater for Christmas parties.
Expo allows businesses to shine
There were free decks of cards, water bottles, tote bags and all sorts of candy at Thursday’s One Southern Indiana Business Expo. But nothing compared to the chocolate fountain provided by the Louisville Chocolate Factory.
Dehydration is 'a real threat' to kids The Scotsman
SOFT drinks giant Coca-Cola has warned ministers that schoolchildren risk becoming "dehydrated" if all of their products are banned from Scottish schools.
Humane Society will host chocolate event for building fund Daily American
The Humane Society of Somerset County is preparing for its first-ever chocolate “extravaganza” to help raise money for the new building additions currently taking place.
Cheers and Passings The Daily Times
Cheers to the sponsors and organizers of the 10th annual Maryland Coast Day at Assateague Island, and also to those responsible for the Coastal Cleanup, now celebrating its 20th year. The two events, both taking place today, converge at Assateague Island but encompass the Delmarva Peninsula.

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Chocolate Falls Scotland, British Spec.chocolate fountains. The only fountains with high-impact moulded transportation cases. 2yr guarantee UK?
Chocolate Fountains - The Chocolate Fountain Inc._Chocolate
Chocolate Fountains - Chocolate Fountain Rival, Chocolate Coin Fountain Godiva Mold Rich, Chocolate Fountain Sales and Rentals.
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Chocolate Fountain sales for catering and party rental. Lease chocolate fountains.
Chocolate Fondue Fountain UK Hire & Sales - Chocolate Fountain Fondue
Buy or Hire Chocolate Fondue Fountain UK for an unforgettable cascading Belgian chocolate fountain fondue experience, ideal for weddings and corporate
Chocolate fountain - Chocolate fountain rentals, sales and leasing. Bulk chocolate along with commercial and home chocolate fountains. Sweet Fountains rents

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Chocolate Fountain sales for catering and party rental. Lease chocolate fountains.
Chocolate Fondue Fountain UK Hire & Sales - Chocolate Fountain Fondue
Buy or Hire Chocolate Fondue Fountain UK for an unforgettable cascading Belgian chocolate fountain fondue experience, ideal for weddings and corporate
Chocolate Fondue Fountain Sales UK - Chocolate Fountain Sales
Chocolate Fondue Fountain Sales and Hire for a cascading Belgian chocolate fondue experience, large and small chocolate fountains - Chocolate Fountain Sales
Chocolate fountain - Chocolate fountain rentals, sales and leasing. Bulk chocolate along with commercial and home chocolate fountains. Sweet Fountains rents
Chocolate Fountain Hire and Sales for England, Isle of Wight and
Chocolate Fountain hire and sales services for England, Isle of Wight and Channel Islands.
Chocolate Fountain - The Chocolate Guy
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Chocolate Fountains - Chocolate Fondue Fountain
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CHOCOLATE FOUNTAINS! Nationwide Chocolate Fountain Rental. USA Manufacturer of Commercial Chocolate Fountain Sales by Choco Fountain Inc

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