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GROCERY: Candy: Sweet success Progressive Grocer
Cacao's health benefits may have snagged all the headlines, but nonchocolate candy has its own better-for-you story.
The goods on candy The Columbus Dispatch
THE WASHINGTON POST Candy has been around for a long time: Cavemen dug honey out of beehives and chewed on tree resin like it was gum. Actual candy goes back to the Egyptians 3,500 years ago!
Chocolate Fest in Baltimore The News Journal
Do you know anyone who doesn't like chocolate? Think really, really hard, because I'll bet you don't. And if by some rare chance you do know someone who doesn't melt at the site of chocolate, I'd advise you to stop talking to them. They're not from this world.
Army Mom Collecting Candy To Send To Son, Troops in Iraq The Times-Union
Jane Holmes plans to send her son, Nicholas Patterson, a nice Christmas package which will feature a variety of candy for his sweet tooth. Also receiving treats will be at least 499 of Patterson’s friends and acquaintences.
More than candy The News Sun
"Eat your candy, it's good for you." Candymakers mouthed those oh-so-sweet words at the All Candy Expo this summer in Chicago, where candies fortified with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals were on display. One, the omega-3 enhanced Botticelli Choco-Omeg Bar, is infused with fish oil. Yummy.
Like chocolate? Plenty to eat today Macomb Journal
MACOMB - Chocoholics can support the McDonough County Youth Assistance Program this evening at the first Taste of Elegance Chocolate Festival at The Old Bailey House from 4 to 6 p.m.
EYE CANDY for Halloween Times Leader
Are ghouls and goblins haunting you this Halloween? Try giving them an evil eye. Or even a whole platter of them.
Fair feed Writer takes on what Topsfield dishes out Gloucester Daily Times
Food was on everyone's lips outside the Topsfield Fair on Saturday. On the walk to the turnstiles from the parking lot, fairgoers talked about their favorite fair delicacies - corn dogs, sausage subs, fried dough, apple crisp, candy apples, cotton candy and more.
Her sweet touch makes people happy The Times of Northwest Indiana
If being surrounded by chocolate is your dream job, you'll envy Mira Savich of Chicago. For 42 years, Savich has been going to work each day to the sweet smell of chocolate and other sugary treats.
Houston Chronicle Computing Column: Chocolate Cell Phone More Snack Than Meal RedNova
By Dwight Silverman, Houston Chronicle Oct. 3--There are two schools of thought on what makes a good handheld device. Consumer electronics nirvana is either one gadget that takes care of all your digital needs, or a specialized gizmo that does one thing very, very well.

Making chocolate candy
How to melt and temper courveture chocolate for candy dipping. Suggestions for different brands of courveture chocolate are included.
Gourmet Chocolate Candy Gifts
Gourmet chocolate candy for that perfect gift. IndulgeInChocolate offers a variety of gourmet chocolate treats including belgian chocolates, truffles,
Wilbur Chocolate
Our Candy Store · Working with Chocolate · Storing Chocolate · Past and Present Recipes · Visit us in Lititz, PA. space Buds, · Shipping Information
Gourmet Chocolate Candy - Box of Fannie May Chocolate Candy
Boxed chocolates and truffles. Create your own assortment, gift-packaged, and standard candy selections.
Start Your Own Candy Business, Wholesale Suppliers and More
1000's of customers remember when TCB sold all the candy making supplies they Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence and Chocolate Recipes For Chocolate

Wilbur Chocolate
Our Candy Store · Working with Chocolate · Storing Chocolate · Past and Present Recipes · Visit us in Lititz, PA. space Buds, · Shipping Information
Our Candy Americana Museum Wilbur Chocolate
Hand made chocolate The Candy Americana Museum started out as a one-room museum and has expanded slowly. In 1977, the modern candy kitchen was opened.
Gourmet Chocolate Candy Box of Fannie May Chocolate Candy
Boxed chocolates and truffles. Create your own ortment, gift-packaged, and standard candy selections.
Start Your Own Candy Business, Wholesale Suppliers and More
1000's of customers remember when TCB sold all the candy making supplies they Chocolate is the ultimate indulgence and Chocolate Recipes For Chocolate
Chocolate Candy & Nu Emilys Chocolates
Emily believes that a little chocolate candy makes just about everything better. So she spends most of her waking momen thinking about how to make the
Personalized Candy Wrappers Custom Hershey Chocolate Candy Bar
Wrapped Hershey’s offers personalized chocolate candy bar wrappers for custom party favors and other special occasions. Personalize your candy wrapper
Sugarstand Online Bulk and Novelty Candy Store
exceptionally low prices with over a hundred candy brands to your taste buds. If you're a chocolate fan, you'll enjoy the wide selection of
Krause's Chocolates, hand dipped chocolate candy, bars, gif, and
Krause's hand dipped chocolate candies by the box. Chocolate bars, gif, fudge, peanut brittle all homemade. Available in milk, white and dark chocolate.

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  • chocolate
  • candy
