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BCHS announces homecoming activities Benton Evening News
Benton Consolidated High School homecoming activities are slated for Friday, Oct. 6 and Saturday, Oct. 7. The pep club is selling DVD's all week, at the game on Friday and at the dance on Saturday. The cost is $25 each and is due when the order is placed.
15 days thick with theater The Charlotte Observer
15 days thick with theater Too much theater? Here? Impossible! But stage offerings this fall are plentiful. In addition to the six spotlighted, there are several other intriguing possibilities:
Leapster lives up to its label as educational San Francisco Chronicle
You won't find me gushing very often about a consumer product -- precious few seem to work as advertised. Here's one that does. I'm talking about the Leapster, a handheld educational game machine from Emeryville's LeapFrog Enterprises. We recently gave
INDUSTRY BUZZ San Francisco Chronicle
Ann says no: Ann Coulter may be known for her inflammatory rhetoric, but after the conservative commentator saw a new documentary featuring her testy exchange with liberal humorist Al Franken, filmmakers Nick Doob and Chris Hegedus received an
Cards could break TV funk The Arizona Republic
Television is a powerful tool. It creates perceptions and customers. The Cardinals would know better than anyone.
The Multiverse Platform Selected by Thousands of MMOG and Virtual World Developers SYS-CON Media
have registered for the company's platform technology. In addition, over one hundred pre-qualified customers have already begun building MMOGs and online worlds with the Multiverse Platform.
The Multiverse Platform Selected by Thousands of MMOG and Virtual World Developers PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
The Multiverse Network, Inc., a company aiming to become the world's leading network of Massively Multiplayer Online Games and 3D virtual worlds, announced today that over 5000 customers -- ranging from garage developers to Fortune 100 companies to Hollywood legends -- have registered for the company's platform technology.
The Guardian Cinema Confidential
Below is a list of reviews available on "Cinema Confidential." Stay tuned as we continue to add much more!
The Thoughtful Fool's NFL Preview: Part 2, the AFC
We now finish up our NFL season preview by walking through all the teams in order of their odds to win the Superbowl. Be sure to check out the NFC in Part 1 before proceeding. On to the AFC Indianapolis Colts +561 ~11/2 Edge is gone. Marvin Harrison is a year older. If they didn't win last year, what has changed that suggests they should be the favorite to win it all? As many have
School Bulletin Board Daily News Journal
The following news and events are from area schools. E-mail your information to or send by fax to 893-4186. E-mailing is preferred. Events will be published each Wednesday in The DNJ.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory game coming
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: According to The Hollywood Reporter, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be available as a video game on the same day
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for PC Charlie and the
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for PC GameSpot offers reviews, previews chea and more. Count on us for all of the latest on the Charlie and the
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Game, A complete Games and Board Games Shopping Destination. We have a full selection of new and clic games. Come search, browse and buy from
::: Charlie +the Chocolate Factory: Toys & Games Charlie +the Chocolate Factory: Toys & Games.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Game Boy Advance game GBA
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for Game Boy Advance by 2K Games. Find the latest Charlie and the Chocolate Factory GBA game reviews, news, downloads,

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Game, A complete Games and Board Games Shopping Destination. We have a full selection of new and classic games. Come search, browse and buy from
::: Charlie +the Chocolate Factory: Toys & Games Charlie +the Chocolate Factory: Toys & Games.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Game Boy Advance game - GBA
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for Game Boy Advance by 2K Games. Find the latest Charlie and the Chocolate Factory GBA game reviews, news, downloads,
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: Watch trailers, gameplay clips and developer interviews at
IGN: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Review
Unfortunately, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from Global Star Software isn't one of these rare cases where game design triumphs over hectic development
::: - Books - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
Robertson's Jam Badge · Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Game · Mr Wonka Figurine · Charlie Figurine · Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Magical Muffins
ic-games Review - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Review
For all your PC, Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube review, preview and interviews with demo downloads and screenshots and release dates.
::: Charlie & The Chocolate Factory - Wonka's Magical
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is all about the delicious taste of Willy Wonka's £7.99, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory - Great Glass Elevator Game

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