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Prototype Fuel Cell Debuts PC World via Yahoo! News
Long-lasting, rechargeable cell phone battery relies on hydrogen gas for power.
Federal agency to re-examine U.S. stem cell patents USA Today
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will re-examine patents covering embryonic stem cell discoveries made by University of Wisconsin researchers. The office could revoke, modify or leave intact patents that cover all embryonic stem cell research in the U.S.
Cell Phone Signal Used To Track Down Armed Robbery Suspects WKMG Local6.com via Yahoo! News
Authorities in Orange County, Fla., used a signal from a stolen cell phone to track down and arrest three suspected robbers, according to a Local 6 News report.
Agency to re-examine stem cell patents AP via Yahoo! News
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office will re-examine patents covering embryonic stem cell discoveries made by University of Wisconsin researchers.
Mom's Cell Phone Photo Appears As Pornography To Family Member WKMG Local6.com via Yahoo! News
A Central Florida mother was shocked when photos she sent from her Cingular cell phone appeared to a family member as hardcore graphy, according to a Local 6 News report.
Stem cell patents get a review / Case challenges licenses, royalty claims by University of Wisconsin San Francisco Chronicle
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has agreed to re-evaluate the validity of three core stem cell patents held by a Wisconsin foundation that has been accused of strangling U.S. research in the field with sweeping demands for license fees and royalties from
Stem cell bill author stumps for Murphy phillyburbs.com
His opponent, Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick, supports adult stem cell research.
Jitterbug cell for older crowd New York Daily News
This isn't your grandson's cell phone.
Stem-cell patents to be reviewed Wisconsin State Journal
The federal government will re-examine three stem-cell patents held by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, a move that could threaten WARF's financial windfall from the research and Madison's prominence in the field.
New Service Alarms Cell Phones KGTV TheSanDiegoChannel.com via Yahoo! News
Homes and cars have alarms. Now cell phones have alarms too. Under a new service unveiled in Great Britain a signal is sent to a cell phone when it's reported lost or stolen that causes it to emit an alarm that sounds like a woman screaming.

Cell (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These cells grow in large clumps, but each individual cell is about 10 micrometres across. This article will list these primary components of the cell,
Cell microprocessor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Growing entry, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia]
Howstuffworks "How Cells Work"
An introduction to cells, enzymes, DNA, reproduction, viruses, genes, genetic diseases, and biotechnology, supplemented with many illustrations and links.
Virtual Cell
Shows a 3D model of a cell, which can be manipulated.
The Cell
In addition to the nucleus, there are many organelles inside of the cell Below is a labelled diagram of a cell to help you identify some of these

Virtual Cell
Shows a 3D model of a cell, which can be manipulated.
Cell microprocessor Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Growing entry, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia]
The Cell
In addition to the nucleus, there are many organelles inside of the cell Below is a labelled diagram of a cell to help you identify some of these
The Cell (2000)
The Cell Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Commen, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, Fan Sites.
Cell Model
Interactive illustration of an cell and i organelles.
Cell and Molecular Biology Online
Cell and Molecular Biology Online, an informational resource for cell and molecular biologis. Features resources for biology research and education,
The Cell project at IBM Research
The Cell Architecture grew from a challenge posed by Sony and Toshiba to Cell also wn as the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (CBEA) is an

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