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Candle blamed for retirement home fire Sun-Sentinel
An unsupervised holiday candle started a fire that sent more than 60 elderly residents out of their Hallandale Beach assisted-living apartments for more than five hours, a fire official said Monday.
Something Like a 'Phenomena' Creative Loafing Charlotte
On Agate Hill tells torrid second-hand tale By Thomas Bell.
Looking at TV as America's new novel Media Life Magazine
Throughout its comparatively brief history, television has always been seen as second-rate, called the boob tube, the idiot box, and at one point, rather famously, chewing gum for the eyes. The quipster was Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect.
GOP Legislators Demoted R News
Two Monroe County legislators who did not vote the party line on a controversial proposal last month quickly learned what happens when you break GOP ranks.
Winning Spirit, losing proposition Boston Globe
In a community like Lynn, empathy may be in short supply for a wealthy guy who keeps swinging for the fences, only to see his fly balls turn into easy outs on the warning track.
Entertainment briefs: Stars to perform at Carolina Hope Festival The Herald-Sun
Indigo Girls, Aimee Mann, Roman Candle, Over the Rhine and other artists will perform at Koka Booth Amphitheatre in Cary Sunday as part of the Carolina Hope Festival. Doors open at 1 p.m. and the show starts at 1:30 p.m. Proceeds of this event will benefit Beacon of Hope, an organization that benefits women affected by HIV and AIDS in poor communities.
Happenings Courier Gazette
A used clothing drop-off box is at St. Gregory's Church (with the help of St. Pauly's mission) to collect usable clothing for people here in the U.S. and in the third world countries.
Faith calendar Honolulu Advertiser
"Minding the Body, Mending the Mind," presentation by author Joan Borysenko, 9:30 a.m.-noon today. Also, "Saying Yes to Change," 2:30-5 p.m. today. Both lectures in the "Accessing the Heart of Healing: Mind-Body and Spiritual Wisdom" program will be held at Spalding Auditorium on the UH-Manoa campus and cost $10 each. No reservation needed. 223-2533.
NAMES TO KNOW Miami Herald
From its earliest days, South Florida has attracted a lush horde of cultural and entertainment figures. Some were performers; others made performances possible. But they all have brought us glimpses of the world and changed the way we think about ourselves. Among them:
Mirror Sport IS NO.1 FOR THE BIGGEST BOXING STORIES I thought 7-foot Valuev was a carnival show but I was proved wrong

::: Candlebox: Music: Candlebox Candlebox: Music: Candlebox by Candlebox.
Candlebox Candlebox lyrics
Candlebox Candlebox lyrics. Home · Search · Forum · Plugin · Partnership. Candlebox Candlebox (1993) More from artist : Candlebox.
Candlebox -
Information about Candlebox at A free service that tracks your musical taste, finds similar users, and provides musical recommendations
CRAFTS : Boxes : Relief-Carved Candle Box : DIY Network
This easy technique allows you to make wood cuts on any design.
Candle Box
Candle Box Our own design can be used in any room in the house and is great for Our candle box is "dovetail" jointed for added durability and character.

Candlebox -
Information about Candlebox at A free service that tracks your musical taste, finds similar users, and provides musical recommendations
CRAFTS : Boxes : Relief-Carved Candle Box : DIY Network
This easy technique allows you to make wood cuts on any design.
Candle Box
Candle Box Our own design can be used in any room in the house and is great for Our candle box is "dovetail" jointed for added durability and character.
Candlebox: Candlebox
This debut disc has a few redeeming elements, but the band's explicit, gratuitous use of profanity far overshadows them. Snuff out requests for Candlebox.
eBay: Shaker Styled Spalted Maple Wooden Candle Box (item
Find Shaker Styled Spalted Maple Wooden Candle Box in the Crafts , Woodworking , Other Woodworking category on eBay.
eBay: Kathy Hatch Halloween Cat candle box #71543 (item
Find Kathy Hatch Halloween Cat candle box #71543 in the Crafts , Candle Soap Making , Jars Holders category on eBay.
whimsiesfolksies's Etsy Shop - WOOD - Candle Box - Handcrafted
Your place to buy and sell all things handmade. New, unique ways to shop online.
Metro - Candlebox
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  • candle
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