The sweet science: Baking demands exactness, as winners of our reader poll can attest The Longview News-Journal
If chefs are the maestros of the kitchen, bakers are its scientists. That's because baking demands its practitioners stick to the recipe, unlike other forms of cooking that allow varying degrees of creativity.
Dining out: More than java abrew in Ossian Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
School is back in session, and parents everywhere are rejoicing. I couldn’t help but think of that during my recent visits to Brew Ha Espresso Cafe in Ossian because it just seemed like a perfect place for those liberated parents to convene for breakfast, lunch or just a good cup of coffee and a sweet or two.
The quest for best in show at the fair Albuquerque Tribune
Somewhere between the frantic scurrying of contestants and the near-absolute silence of waiting, it hits her. This could be the year. The blue ribbon, first prize. And then the big one: best of show, a ribbon that means her entry is better, more perfect than the rest of the first-prize winners.
The Memphis Flyer Dining Guide A to Z The Memphis Flyer
The good news: As seen here in the Memphis Flyer 's Dining Guide, there's a lot of good eating in Memphis. (And to be honest, this guide only scratches the surface -- but what a delicious surface!) The bad news: If you're hungry, reading this guide could bring you to tears.
Open Directory - Home: Cooking: Baking and Confections: Cakes
Cake Recipes - Varieties include Chocolate Cherry Cake, Chocolate Ripple Cake, Chocolate Crunch Cake - Made with a German chocolate cake mix,
GMA Recipe: Amazing German Chocolate Cake
Amazing German Chocolate Cake This German Chocolate Cake recipe has an unusual twist -- frosting in the mix. Ingredients. Vegetable oil spray for misting
Upside Down German Chocolate Cake - Recipe for Chocolate Cake with
This German chocolate cake is made with a German chocolate cake mix, pecans, coconut, butter, and cream cheese. German chocolate upside down cake recipe.
cake mix recipes | cake mix cake recipes | cakes
cake recipes made from cake mixes. Cake Mix Cake Recipes, page 1 Banana German Chocolate Cake · Banana Pound Cake · Banana Pudding Bundt Cake
Diane's German Chocolate Cake - All Recipes - Cake
Combine the cake mix, instant vanilla pudding, cocoa, buttermilk, vegetable oil and the 3 Find recipes that go with: "Diane's German Chocolate Cake"
Upside Down German Chocolate Cake - Recipe for Chocolate Cake with
This German chocolate cake is made with a German chocolate cake mix, pecans, coconut, butter, and cream cheese. German chocolate upside down cake recipe.
cake mix recipes | cake mix cake recipes | cakes
cake recipes made from cake mixes. Cake Mix Cake Recipes, page 1 Banana German Chocolate Cake · Banana Pound Cake · Banana Pudding Bundt Cake
Diane's German Chocolate Cake - All Recipes - Cake
Combine the cake mix, instant vanilla pudding, cocoa, buttermilk, vegetable oil and the 3 Find recipes that go with: "Diane's German Chocolate Cake"
Quick German Chocolate Cake Recipe | Cakes Using White Cake Mix
A recipe for Quick German Chocolate Cake - | Cakes Using White Cake Mix Recipes | German Chocolate Cake Recipes, white cake mix (6 oz. ea) instant chocolate
Yahoo! Answers - I need a recipe fof german chocolate cake?
For more ideas, just search on "German Chocolate Cake" recipe (or click the 2nd Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In large mixing bowl, combine cake mix,
::: - Recipes - Upside Down German Chocolate Cake
Enter your email to signup for the Recipe Newsletter. Mix German chocolate cake mix according to package around edges and turn upside down
Flora's Recipe Hideout: German Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies
1 pkg German Chocolate Cake Mix, pudding included 1 cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips These are on Pillsbury's list of most-requested recipes.
German Chocolate Cake history
A recipe for "German's Chocolate Cake" first appeared in a Dallas, a mix is on the grocery shelves also. It was my favorite cake when I was